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Green...he meets those green eyes, no-not possible its just a nightmare!


"Yeah! What happened to you? Are you okay?"

Louis frowns and looks around to see that they've landed and Rylee was next to him holding his arm worried.


He looks back at Harry...it was a dream...just a dream!

"N-nothing...just a nightmare..." Louis mumbles shaking his head and harry signed.

"Let's go then?"




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"Harry...are you crazy?"

Harry frowns and turns to look at louis while Rylee runs towards the fountain. "What happened? You didn't like it?"

Louis shakes his head his eyes wide as he looks around, "This is crazy Harry! Its so big and only three of us will live here! Its not a haunted movie Harry!"

Harry signs and goes to louis holding his shoulder as he says, "we're not alone, there are maids here and also gardeners! And...i don't think our family will be only three of us forever."

Louis blushes and looks away as harry wiggles his eyebrows, "we never know Harry...i don't living in this big house alon-"

"You're not alone..." Harry wraps his arm around louis' shoulder, "I'm with you... always and forever!"

Louis signs and nods turning his attention to Rylee who was missing and he panics, "Rylee-"

"Momma! Come here!" He signs as he spots her at the doorsteps. This house is too big to remember but he'll try his best.


Louis and Harry were making lunch together. They have a cook, but louis insisted on making it himself just once and harry got to his help.

"All done!" He says smiling as he smells the chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in Parma ham with some home made mash potatoes.

"Where's Rylee?" Louis asks harry who removes his apron keeping it on the counter and turns to face Louis.

"In her New bedroom, she's decorating it with her toys!"


Harry wraps his arms around Louis and pulls him close, keeping his chin on his shoulder he tilts his head scenting the Omega.

Louis smiles and strokes the back of Harry's head but he soon grabs it pulling on them as he felt Harry's tongue lick over his scent gland.

Harry takes a deep breath, smelling louis like he was a beautiful flower. He pulls back and goes to the right side of louis' neck and licks over the space where louis' mating spot should be.

"Why weren't you both mated?" He whispers not pulling back. Louis closes his eyes and signs.

"Just wanted to wait for some more years before bonding..."

Harry kisses under louis' ear softly making the Omega' knees go weak. He tries not to moan when Harry was kissing and licking making love to his making space.

"Harry..." He pulls Harry's head back and looks in his eyes, he doesn't know why or how but he asks the only question he doesn't wanted to.

"Are you happy that Timmy died..."

Harry's face fell and louis immediately regretted his words. His hands started to go sweaty as he watches Harry's jaw clench, "i-i'm sorry- i mea-"

"I know what you mean louis, and no I'm not fucking happy he died..." Harry moves back removing his hands from around louis' waist but louis kept his hands on his biceps.

"He was the only member of my family that was with me. Even tho that day he told me to leave i was happy that i choose him before me, because that's what i promised to my mom louis... I'd always choose his happiness over mine."

Louis doesn't likes it but he doesn't wanna question why Harry's mother was being so unfair to him.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm just an idiot- i shouldn't have asked it that way-"

"Its alright Louis" harry gives him a smile, "Go and call Rylee till then I'll serve dinner" he turns to face the stove and louis feels like shit right now.

He signs and goes to Rylee' room that was upstairs on the same floor as their master bedroom.


"Now be my good girl and go to sleep!" Louis says kissing Rylee' forehead. She yawns as she rubs her eyes, exhausted from the jet lag.

"I wasn't going to argue momma..." She turns over and closes her eyes. Louis rolls his eyes, "my sassy little princess!" He gives her a kiss on cheek standing up.

"Momma loves you..."

"Rylee loves you too momma!"

He smiles and then turns off the lamp and goes to door. Glancing at her one last time he closes the door and signs.

His first night at this new house and he's already pisses off Harry even tho he doesn't shows it louis know what his one simple question did to Harry.

His drea-it was nightmare! That nightmare is already fucking up with his head.

He goes to their room that was across the hallway and gets in. He sees that no one was in the room but he can hear the shower running that means Harry's in there.

He closes the door behind him and starts stripping off his clothes. No matter what He doesn't likes Harry's anger neither sadness.

He's gonna make it up to him!

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now