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"and look mommy, this Mr penguin! He's my favourite!"

Rylee says as she shows louis her toys and Harry smiles stroking her head as he says, "are you happy, princess?"

"Yes Harry!"

Louis smiles and cuddles Rylee, "They all are pretty baby" she giggles and snuggles him with Mr penguin. Harry grabs his phone and comes to cuddle louis from other side.

"Say cheese!"

Rylee grins and louis gives a small smile as harry click some pictures, "perfect family!" Harry says softly and louis signed as Rylee grabs all her toys.

"I'm going to show them my room!" She takes all her toys to her room. Harry doesn't moves away from louis and scrolls through the pictures he took.

Louis leans his head on Harry's shoulder, "Harry... I'm sorry" he whispers and harry keeps his phone away.

"Why are you saying sorry baby. Its me who overreacted. I'm really sorry lou."

Louis gets on his lap, straddling his hips as he says "I got a job at a library, the place is cute and cozy."

Harry wraps his arms around louis' waist and pulls him closer, "That's beautiful louis, you love books!" Louis smiles nodding.

"I do... you'll be home all day?" Louis asks as ge laces his fingers in Harry's hair and starts massaging his sculp.

Harry hums as he leans his head back closing his eyes and relaxing. Louis watches him closely and leans down as he whispers,

"Can i ask you something, Harry?"

Harry nods but doesn't opens his eyes, enjoying the way louis' tiny fingers were pleasing his head.

"Who's Evelyn?"

Immediately Harry sits up and louis wasn't prepared for it. Their head bumps into eachother, both of them groaning.

"W-where did you heard that name?"

Louis pulls out the paper from his pocket and gives Harry, "Lydia found it in your clothe-"

Harry grabs the paper and looks at it with wide eyes. Louis watches as sweat started to form on his forehead.

He strokes Harry's cheeks as he says, "You can tell me anything Harry... what's going on?"

Harry gulps and closes his eyes as he says, "Everything's fucking messed up..."

Louis frowns and holds Harry's face making him look him in eyes, "What happened?"

Harry looks him in eyes...those blue innocent eyes full of concern and worry...

"A month before Timmy's death...i met this girl named Evelyn..."

*Flash back*

Harry opens his car door and runs to the body laying on the road. He kneels down to check the nerve of the man laying limp on the floor...

He's dead...

He curses and looks around if anyone saw him. He checks the man's pocket to see if he finds anything but found only some money, no ID or phone.

He stands up and panics...he doesn't want to go jail...so he did the only thing that came in his mind.

He went to his car and drives away... without looking back, but there was someone who saw him...

*Flash back ends*

"Evelyn saw it...she fucking recorded everything! And then she started blackmailing me..."

Louis frowns, "What does she wants?"

"Me..." Harry rubs his face groaning, "That woman is obsessed with me! She used to stalk me but i didn't knew any of that and...when i asked her what she wants in return of that recording...she asked to my submissive..."

Louis' eyes widened and he shakes his head, "And you signed the contract? " Harry nods and goes to speak but louis beats him at that by saying, "you could have offered her money! Threatened her!"

Harry shakes his head, "i can't louis. She has that recording i could go to jail and everything will fucking end. I had no choice..."

Louis takes a deep breath to control himself, "when did you signed the papers?" He asks.

"Two days before Timmy's dead..."

Louis shakes his head as his eyes started to get wet, "h-how long is that contract?" He watches as Harry looks down.

"A year..."

Louis gets off him but harry grabs his hand and pulls him close, "but louis wait- i already thought how to take care of her...she won't disturb me again Louis!"

Louis frowns, "what did you thought?" He asks.

"It's not impo-"

"Are you fucking crazy! You're telling me its not impor-she can ruin your whole life with that recordi-"

"I'm aware of it!" Harry snaps and louis flinches back. Harry's face immediately softens and he cups louis' cheeks, "I'm sorry i-i um..."

"Tell me Harry... please"

"I hired a man for killing her... he'll end her and close the chapter forever..."

Louis' eyes widened and he stares at him. "Are you serious!"

"Louis...what else am i supposed to do! She's blackmailing me and I'm in no way in hell I'll keep her my submissive.." harry says as he shakes his head.

"But...killing her..."

Harry signs and strokes louis' cheek, "I love you louis...and if anyone comes in between us, i will not hesitate to kill them..."

Louis wraps his arms around Harry's head and pulls him close taking deep breaths, "Where is she now?"

Harry rests his head on louis' forehead, "she knows about Timmy's death, she still thinks I'm not back yet..."

Louis signs and softly presses his lips on Harry's who relaxes in his touch. "I love you Harry..."

Harry smiles as he hugs louis close to him, "I love you too louis..."

They both were unaware of Lydia who was standing behind their door...

and has heard everything she shouldn't have...

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now