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Louis looks up as lian walks in with shocking look on his face. Everyone turns to him, "what happened Liam?" Louis asks.

"That accident was fake! The man didn't died that night, it was all fake. They trapped harry into this!" Liam says and louis gasped.

"Who's doing all this?"

"Drake...he wants to take over Harry's company and house!" Liam says as he sits down. Niall hums as he thinks looking at the papers in his hands.

Louis signs, "So now..."

"They're still looking for Drake. Cops know that Harry is innocent in this 'car accident' case but we have to prove that harry killed Evelyn in order to protect you and Rylee!" Liam says.

"He's right. Let's cops do their job and we'll do our. Tomorrow we have to prove in court that Harry is innocent so louis...get Rylee ready tomorrow by eight am." Niall says and louis nods.

He have to explain Rylee everything... without her words harry won't be out of jail.

"What about Lydia?" Louis says.  Liam rubs his forehead thinking and Niall keeps his papers in his bag standing up.

"Leave her up to me. I'll take care of her tomorrow in court, see you tomorrow louis" Niall shakes hands with louis and then liam before leaving.

Louis goes towards zayn' room to see if Rylee' awake. Zayn start preparing for lunch and liam was making some calls.

He peeks in to see Rylee awake and talking to her toys. She had a frown on her face as she strokes her toy babbling to them.

Louis smiles fondly and walks in, "Hey Rylee!" He says and sits next her and she immediately clings to him.


He smiles and cuddles her rubbing her back, "How did you sleep?"

Rylee nods mumbling, "Good..." He signs and strokes her back as she looks at her toys and says, "where is Harry, momma?"

Louis looks at her and pushes her curls back, "He's in trouble, princess..." She gasps and sits up looking at him, "What?"

"Yes Rylee..." Louis says nodding.

"We need to save him momma!" Rylee says and louis nods holding her cheek, "yes Rylee...will you help me save harry?"

Without hesitation she answers, "Yes!" Louis smiles and kisses her forehead.

"You have to do as i say okay?"

"Yes momma...after this Harry will be with us?" Rylee' big doe green eyes stares at louis who nods and hugs her,

"Yes... hell stay with us, forever!"


*Next day*

Everything was going as they planned. The case has turned into their favour but suddenly Lydia changed her statement.

"Harry killed her i saw it myself! And he wasn't saving louis or rylee, i saw it with my own eyes!" Lydia says and Niall walks to her.

"If you saw it all Miss heard, why didn't you try to stop Harry for committing a crime?"

She gulps and looks at the jurey, "i-i was scared he'll hurt me, that's why i didn't do anything!"

Niall walks to the middle and faces the jurey, "can i show everyone, by your permission my lord?"

The jurey says yes and he goes to his laptop and turns on a recording and it gets projected on the projector.

Louis looks at the footage where it was clearly seen that Evelyn gave Lydia that recording in her phone and after that Lydia goes to Harry's office to inform him that Evelyn came to meet him.

It was recorded by the CCTV camera.

Lydia starts sweating as everyone looked at her, "i-i um-"

"Miss Heard sent the same recording Evelyn was sending harry with the intension of blackmailing! She has also attempted to poison louis' food!"

Everyone gasped and louis looks at lydia with wide eyes who looks down...she was guilty.

Nia shows another footage where Lydia poisoned louis' tea but louis was in a hurry that morning so he didn't had it...thank god!

"When a woman is attempting to kill his husband's omega and was gonna blackmail him...how can she be trusted?"

Everyone agreed with niall and when lydia goes to disagree the jurey has already made the decision to imprison her for attempt to murder and blackmailing his boss.

She was taken away and finally harry was standing in the  witness box...

He looks over to louis who looks at him with teary eyes...finally he's relieved that harry is fine. They both nodded at eachother before Niall starts questioning harry.

Harry answered his every question and it went according to louis' story...

Before this niall met harry and explained him everything what louis told him and harry immediately got the idea what louis is trying to do ....and he agreed to all of it.

Louis and Rylee were the ones that witnessed this incident so they were called in the witness box as well were questioned...after it,

"That's all i have to say..." Niall says as he clasps his hands infront of him and everyone looks at the judge who was writting his decision down.

Louis closes his eyes and holds Rylee's hand in his. Harry looks down and closes his eyes waiting for the decision that'll change his life...

"Mr styles...you're not guilty of the charges and release the defendant!"

The bailiff says all rise and then everyone stood up as the judge leaves.

Harry covers his face and releases a sign... he's released.
Louis immediately goes towards Harry and puts his habd on his shoulder making him look up.

Harry turns to him with tears in his eyes and they both hugged eachother tightly.

Louis lets his tears fall and Rylee clings on their legs wanted to feel included.

"You saved me louis..."

"Daddy me too!" 

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now