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"Rylee' asleep, she was tired from the jet lag and all the playing."

Louis says as he sits down next to harry on couch. Harry wraps his arm around his shoulder and pulls him close, "She enjoyed playing tho"

"Yea" louis signed and relaxed in his arms as he snuggles in his neck. Harry's scent has changed, its a bit different but still calms his omega.

"When is your next heat?" Harry asks as he rubs louis' back, he was wearing his huge t-shirt that was nearly swallowing him and made him look tiny and cute.

"Next month or something, i don't really remember. I took pills last month and stopped them after my birthday." Louis mumbles.

"You know..." Louis looks at Harry who continues once he has his attention, "Today is last day of this year"

Louis frowns and sits up grabbing his phone and looks at the date, it is indeed new year night.

He signs and leans back closing his eyes as Harry cuddles him. He thinks back to last year when he spent new year night with Timmy.

He made love to him in their bed just as the clock hit twelve.

"What're you thinking?" Harry asks interrupting his thoughts and he shakes his head cuddling Harry.


Harry grabs the remote and turns on the T.V, "let's watch a movie?" Louis nods and he puts on a Romantic movie.

"I'll grab some popcorns" louis says and goes to kitchen. Harry pauses the movie and waits for him to return.

His phone dinged and he looks at the notification. It was a message from an unknown number. He grabs his phone and opens it and immediately the colours of his face drains.

It was the same recording Harry killed Evelyn for. It was seen as Harry runs away after hitting that man with his car.

He gulps and calls drake, he clearly remembered instructing him to destroy Evelyn's phone and laptop.

"Hello?"  Drake answers.

"Did you destroyed Evelyn's phone and laptop?"

"Ofc i did! Why?"

"An unknown number just sent me that same fucking footage!" Harry groans and hears a gasp, he looks at doorway at louis who walks to him frowning.

"Not possible, i destroyed her phone and laptop. She might have sent it to someone else before she died or... someone else saw it too!"

Harry signs and rubs his eyes, "Alright..." He hangs up abd looks at the message.

"Who could this be?" Louis asks looking at the unknown number. Harry leans his head back shaking his head.

"I have no idea! I don't know what they want from me..." Harry rubs his face. Louis strokes his arm and says, "Don't worry Harry we'll find them and..."

And further he doesn't wanna say more. Harry looks at him, "How many people will i kill now..."

Louis signs and looks down, "Harry...i think we should take help" Harry shales his head sitting up.

"No way! I don't want anyone to be involved-they can inform cops! I could go to jail-"

"Harry...how about we take Liam's help? He's a cop... he'll help us Harry!"

Harry stands up jerking Louis' hand off him, "Are you fucking crazy! He's a cop! He'll put me in jail and i don't fucking want that alright! He'll know that i kill Evelyn-oh my god No!"

Louis goes to speak but harry has already left and he signed, "What other choice do we have now Harry..."


*Next morning*

Louis was making breakfast when Harry came and sat at the table. Last night when he went to room harry was already asleep and they didn't talked.

Louis turns and keeps the plate of breakfast infront of Harry. His hair was wild and eyes were dull. He looks stressed out.

"Good morning" louis says as he sits next to him with his tea. Harry mumbles out a "morning" and starts eating his breakfast.

Louis sips his tea as he keeps looking at Harry who was avoiding eye contact. After harry was finish with his breakfast he gets up and goes to leave.

But louis stops him by grabbing his hand, "Harry... please think about it. We can try asking for his help! We don't what this unknown person might ask for in return of that recording!"

Harry sits back down on his chair, "I don't what to do Louis...no matter what i do I'm going to jail for sure!" He rubs his eyes groaning as he says, "I shouldn't be driving when i was fucking drunk!"

Louis rubs his back, "Its okay Harry... everyone makes mistakes!" Harry signed and looks at louis and holds his hand.

"I'm sorry I'm so messed up...no omega want their alpha to be careless and a murderer-"

"Yours none of these Harry...the situation you were in compelled you to kill Evelyn.  And she was wrong to blackmail you too!"

Harry signs as louis pecs his hands holding them in his, "Still Louis...we both know she didn't deserved to die..."

Louis looks down at their hands, "What's done... can't be changed now. We can atleast try to fix this... together?"

Harry looks away from louis' blue eyes trying to convince him, "I could go to jai-"

"You can't run away from reality...this recording which has recorded that incident is your weakness! We have to do something about it before that weakness makes you loss everything you have Harry..."

Harry looks into his eyes who wants nothing but his happiness, louis will never want bad for him.

He takes a deep breath before sating, "Okay..."


"We'll take Liam' help...i don't care if i have to go to jail or court..."

"Thank you so much Harry... we'll be alright" His Omega hugs him and he relaxes as ge tries to repeat those words to himself

We'll be alright

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now