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Louis opens his eyes was blessed with Harry's beautiful face. Peacefully sleeping, holding louis close to him.

Louis smiles and pushes back a curl from Harry's face, he strokes his cheeks and that sharp jaw.

He leans forward and pecs his cheeks and chin letting his lips lightly brush against Harry's. He wraps his arms around Harry's torso and signs, he doesn't want to see the clock...

Doesn't wanna know that harry should leave now before anyone catches them together.

"Morning omega.."

Louis looks at Harry's sleepy eyes and smiles, "its not morning yet" he mumbles and stuffs his face in Harry's neck.

Harry signs and glances at clock... fifteen minutes before he has to leave.

"Louis...can you promise me something?"

Louis shuts his eyes and keeps his face hidden in Harry's chest not wanting to face the reality.

When Harry didn't got a response he strokes louis' head and makes the Omega face him. Louis opens his eyes when he felt Harry's lips touch his forehead.

"Promise me Louis..." Harry looks into those blue ocean eyes that he fell for, "you will never look back into the memories we created...you will never think of me more than a brother-in-law... please"

Louis eyes were filled with tears as he nods, "Yes I promise Harry... Thank you for giving me this one night, I'll never forget it and never ... mention it again" he looks down.

Harry smiles... painfully and removes his arms from louis' warm body and gets up. Louis pulls up the duvet and watches as Harry gets dressed again.

He watches him wear his shoes and go towards the window without a word. Just as he climbs on the window Louis calls him, "Harry?"

Harry stops but his back was facing louis. He doesn't turns or move to look at Louis but still louis continued,

"I hope you find a lovely Omega one day Harry... And i want to be the first one you tell about your omega... please?"

Harry nods and jumps off the window landing smoothly on the ground, he leaves...

He never turned back...maybe he was hiding his tears?


"Next week?" Louis asks and his parents shake their heads. Louis looks at them confused, "Then when? C'mon mom, dad, its my wedding I'm asking about!"

"In three days..."

Well that was unexpected. Louis immediately shakes his head, "it's too early, i-i'm not ready yet-"

"Louis...we already told Timmy and Harry. They have agreed...we can't change the date now Louis." His dad says and his jaw clenched, he stands up from the breakfast table.

"You both decided my wedding date without asking me! It shows how eager you both are to kick me out. Thank you, mom, dad for being so generous and kind!" With that he leaves.

His parents signs and looks at eachother, it is not how they expected it to go...



Zayn calls out and watches as louis crawls away from him and goes to hide behind the tree. It was afternoon and he was in the garden making a flower crown.

Zayn signs and goes behind the tree to see louis sitting against it his head hidden in his arms, knees pulled up to his chest.

Zayn sits down next to him and looks at the flowers crumbled on the ground. He leans back and stretches his legs infront of him.

"Louis, yo-"

"I know what you're about to say. Honestly Zayn, I don't wanna hear how i should forget about him and look forward to my life that's about to start in three days" Louis says and leans back on the tree, stretching his legs same as Zayn.

"I wasn't going to say that. I know it's not that easy to get someone who gave you the best memories and feelings" zayn says and louis looks at him.

"Have you ever felt that?"

Zayn nods, keeping his eyes on the crumbled flowers on the ground he says "Do you remember when we were about eleven or something, we had a chef named James?"

"That blond man?"

Zayn nods and signs as he continues, "He had a son...do you remember him?" He looks at Louis who frowns nad tries to remember.

"Yeah i guess i do...what was his name?"


"Oh yeah i do remember him!" Louis nods saying, "he was so bright in studies, sometimes i made him do my homework!"

Zayn smiles nodding, "yeah, because of financial conditions he had to leave his studies. Him and i became friends at first but then there was something in him that keeps pushing me closer to him...and one day we kissed"

Louis looks at him wide eyes, zayn never shared this with him. "You did?" Zayn nods and looks at the sky.

"In the backyard, he was helping me with some gardening. And as time passed by we became even closer to the point, where he used to sneak out of the champer to meet me in my room and we used to talk all night!"

The smile on zayn' face was saying he lived the best moments of his life that time. Louis gets even more curious, "Then what happened?"

Zayn looks at louis his smile dropping as he says, "Then one day, his father find out about us he was a homophobic and he left his job and took Liam away from me. I didn't slept the whole night...i was crying on my fate."

Louis frowns, "you never saw him again? You never gave him your number?"

Zayn shakes his head, "he didn't had a phone Louis, he only had his dad. Anyways, I still think about him the same i used to ten years ago...even tho i was just a kid, my love was true..."

Louis wraps his arm around zayn, "I hope you find your true love again Zayn..."

Zayn smiles and looks at him, "I hope you get your true love back again Louis...if not now then maybe in future?"

"Not possible..."

"We never know..."

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now