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They both look at Harry standing in the doorway when they heard him. He comes in and kneels infront of Rylee.

She doesn't looks as him so he slowly holds her hands, relaxing when she didn't pushed him away.

"I will never hurt you my princess...i love you more than my life, my pretty doll... please forgive me?"

She looks at him and then at louis who gives a small smile, "please Rylee?"

She wraps her arms around him saying, "I forgive you Harry..." He signs and hugs her tightly.

"Thank you so much Rylee..."

She's just like his momma, kind and innocent. Louis smiles and wraps his arms around them as well as they all hug eachother...

Feeling safe and secure...


*Next day*

They were in Harry's jet, about to land in Hawaii. Rylee was sitting between harry and louis, holding their arms tightly. She's scared she'll fall down.

"Alright, Princess. See we landed safely let's go!" Harry stands up and unbuckled her scooping her in his arms as he wraps his other arm around louis.

They both got down the jet and walked to their car that was waiting. Their driver opens door for them and they got in.

"Let's have lunch at a restaurant then we'll go to our house?"



"Yea... thankyou Stacy, bye!"

Louis hangs up after telling her boss that he'll join from next week. Harry was feeding Rylee as she looks around at the people.

"Harry, you said you had dogs...i didn't saw them!"

Rylee says and Harry chuckles saying, "Oh yeah i do have them but they're at my friend's house. I kept them there till i return, i was gonna get them but we came here so maybe next week?"

"Okie" she pouts and louis shakes his head fondly at her. He grabs his phone and clicks her pictures when she wasn't looking, she's so cute when she's in her own world.

"Done?" Harry asks Rylee and she nods standing up as Harry straightens her dress.

Louis got up as well and they left after paying. When they reached the beach house, that was in a very quite side of the beach and louis loved it already!

The house was not that big but still looking cozy. There were tables outside at the porch and also an area for bonfire.

"Momma i wanna go swimming!" Rylee says as she jumps looking at the sea. The beach was empty that made louis frown.

"No one's here?"

"Yeah cause i own this whole place..."

Well that was expected. Louis goes and gives Rylee her swimsuit and she runs in the house to get changed.

Harry comes and wraps his arms around Louis from behind. Louis leans his head back looking at him as harry holds the hems of his sunflower printed shirt.

He pulls it over his head and keeps it on the porch as he turns louis to face him. Louis starts unbuttoning Harry's shirt that has watermelons printed on them.

He removes it and gasps as harry pulls his shorts down revealing his panties. "Harry no-" Harry has already scooped him in his arms and goes towards water.

Louis holds on him as they both get in the water. Rylee runs towards them laughing and jumps in the water making louis giggle.

Harry chuckles, "can you swim Rylee?" She nods and starts swimming around as she giggles.

Louis goes to follow her but harry wraps his arms around his waist and pulls him closer to him. His hands disappear in the water as he cups louis' ass and lifts him.

Louis wraps his arms around his neck and legs around his waist as Harry grins. "You like this baby?"

Louis nods and laces his fingers with Harry's hair and pulls him close, "I do, now kiss me you fool." Harry chuckles and leans down kissing him.

They both can hear Rylee laughing and splashing water. Harry leans down and louis' eyes widened as they both slip in water.

Their lips didn't break apart as they go in water. Louis pulls harry closer as he kisses him harder.


They both came up panting and looks at Rylee who was holding a baby turtle. "Can i keep him?"

Louis breaths out and pushes his wet hair back, "No Darcy, he's a baby and his mommy might be looking for him-"

"Its a she!"

Harry chuckles and shakes his head as louis signed, "we don't have a tank for her!"

"Yes Rylee and also she's very young she's looking for her mommy!" Harry says and Rylee pouts but lets her go.

Louis smiles and splashes water on Rylee, "Now smile baby!" She giggles and splashes water him as well.

Harry smiles as they watch them...his omega and pup all together a perfect family!

"Let's go see who was swim faster!"

"Hell yeah! Rylee get on my back!" Harry says and takes her on his back as he gets ready. Louis counts out and they both start swimming fast.

Rylee giggles as she holds on Harry's shoulders tightly. Abd in the end louis let's harry win cause the smile on Rylee' face was worth it.

"Yay! Mommy we won!"

"That's beautiful baby, now come and gimme kisses!" Louis tries to grab her but she squeals as harry hides her in his arms.

"No kisses for losers!" He pokes his tongue at louis who gasps and crosses his arms, "if that's so, then none of you are getting any cuddles today!"

Rylee gasps and starts squirming to get free and go to her momma, "Momma i want cuddles!"

Harry pouts as he watches Rylee hug louis they both giggling and poking their tongue at him.

"You both are meanies!"

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now