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Louis grabs his diary and his pen with a white feather on it. He was at his study table in his room, it was midnight and he just can't stop thinking about Harry as usual.

Harry texted him minutes ago saying that,

Tonight is ours, I'm coming love and keep your window open ×× H

It'll take him less than an hour to reach here so louis decided to write about his day in his diary that he doesn't usually fill up because sometimes he has so much to say and sometimes he's mute.

Louis signs opens his diary he decides to read the first page of it before continuing to write about today. He just can't stop reading his diary cause its filled harry did this, harry did that, this is harry, and this is how we met...

Dear diary,

I met the great Harry styles today. He was not at all as the people describe him. He's so much more and so beautiful that i didn't said his hii back when he first talked to me, i was too mesmerized by his deep green eyes.

They're same as Timmy's but Harry's eyes speaks more than he does. Timmy and Harry are so different, like one is shy where the other is bold and confident.

Timmy is the cute sweet nerd, where i find Harry intimidating and scary but yet so hot and my type!

Well, after talking with him i didn't just felt like i got a friend but i felt like we've got so much to talk more about. Listening to his raspy deep voice calms my omega and I'm surprised this is the effect he has on me on DAY FIRST!!

Anyways... I'm happy :)


Louis sniffs and wipes the tear that rolls down his cheek. He turns the pages until he finds a blank one and starts writing with tears still pooling in his ocean eyes.

Dear diary,

I'm sad...

Harry ended up whatever we can call it, we had. But i managed it well and for thred whole weeks i didn't saw him...i survived!

My omega is not as happy as it was and its understandable, that hoe didn't got the knot.

But honestly, today i asked for just one night. He said yes... he's on his way and I'm scared.

Scared that I'll breakdown any minute, scared that if tonight i let him go without telling him what i feel about him from the DAY FIRST... I'll loss a lot of things in my life and one of two will be...love and happiness.

The real reason my omega is sad is cause he hates me for choosing my fate over my love...but i can't blame it, i hate myself too.

I think its time to finally say what's more important right now... I know what I'm doing is not at all good...its worse

I can't help myself from keeping a piece of him with me forever...

And i have no regret...


He closes the diary and throws it in the drawer locking it. He stands up and wipes his face going in the bathroom, he looks in the mirror at himself and signs.

He opens the cabinet and pulls out a box of pills...he looks at himself in the mirror then at the pills and then...

At his stomach...

Remember louis...no regret


Harry signs as he saw the same room louis spends his heat in, has its light on. He goes and opens the window with ease and slips inside.

He looks around the room but no one was there. He frowns and goes towards bathroom just then the bathroom door opens and Louis steps inside.

The first thing Harry saw was a tattoo...over Louis' collar bone. It was a heart... it's the Harry fav place...

Slowly Harry ranka his eyes down louis' body and there his jaw was on floor... he's so gorgeous fuck!

Navy blue silk panties hugging his waist perfectly. Louis' belly looking cute and soft in the warm light of room, another fav place of Harry. He was looking down the whole time.

Harry slowly towards his omega for a night and wraps his arms around that curvy waist pulling him in and sniffing his hair, he smiles at the strawberry scent.

He trails his nose lower and over louis' neck scent marking him...he smells like lilies!

He slowly moves back and looks louis into his eyes they were sad but happy at the moment when he saw harry.

"My omega, you're so pretty" Harry smiles cupping louis' cheek and the omega blushes.

"Thank you my alpha...you wore my favourite shirt" Louis says smiling looking at the pink shirt that has hearts on it and Harry chuckles nodding.

"Anything for you my omega..."

Everytime Harry calls him his omega, his heart is skiping a beat. New fear unlocked, he hopes he doesn't die here because of stroke!

"I want you Harry. As much as i can have you tonight..." Louis wraps his arms around Harry's neck and signs keeping his head on his chest listening to his heat beat. His scent calming his nerves and making him all cuddly and horny!

"Because Tonight is a i have with you..."

Harry pulls back and cups louis' face, looking him into eyes he says, "I promise to make this night memorable for you...give you all i have..."

And he slowly leans down, both of them shuts their eyes as their lips softly touched...

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now