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Harry picks him up and walks towards the bed, his lips attached to the Omega tasting each and every inch of those plumpy pink lips.

Louis signs when he felt his back touch the bed, he pulls harry closer kissing him harder. Harry moans and let's one of his hand wander around louis' glorious body.

Louis' skin was hot under Harry's touches, gentle yet they were making the omega impatient. He pulls back and starts opening Harry's shirt buttons.

Harry lets him go at his speed. He watches as the omega removes his shirt and throws it on floor. Harry kneels infront of him and unbuckled his belt and opens his pants.

Louis leans back watching the Alpha- his alpha undress for him. Once Harry's hard knot was on show, louis couldn't stop the whine and his hands to himself.

He leans forward and grabs Harry's bicep and pulls him towards him. Harry smiles as louis gives him his puppy blue eyes pouting his bottom lip, he knows he's about ask for something very filthy in so polite and innocent way.

"Can you fuck my mouth, please my pretty Alpha" those words were enough for harry to grab louis' waist and pull him between his legs.

"You may get what you ask for my pretty Omega!"

Louis positions himself between Harry wide open legs. While maintaining the eye contact, he slowly leans down and takes the knot in his warm sinfully delicious mouth...

"Fuckk" Harry throws his head back and moans loudly-thanks to whomever made the ro soundproof- Louis grins as he takes more of Harry's knot in his mouth, he hasn't even started sucking yet.

Louis takes him as much as he can and ever so slowly and teasingly he starts sucking. Harry moans loudly, sitting up with the support on his elbows he watches his Omega take him nice and clean.

Louis was proud to say that he has this effect on harry, no other omega can make him moan like this and it hasn't even started yet!

He slowly, swirls his tongue around the knot and lapping over the tip that's driving Harry crazy.

"Fuck omega, your mouth is heaven..." Harry growls and them sits up as louis hums that caused vibrations through Harry's knot.

He grabs Louis' hair, all ready for the action. Louis moans and opens his mouth wider and harry starts thrusting his hips and fucking Louis' mouth-more like throat from the way louis' was taking him so good and deep.

"My beautiful Omega, being so good for me"

Louis' praising kink was making him wet and cream his thighs. Harry can already sme the sweetness of silk dripping down louis' thighs and he can't wait to lick it up.

Harry grunts and cums down Louis' throat and gripped his soft hair hard into fist.

Louis shuts his eyes tries to swallow as much as he can while the rest was dripping down the corner of his mouth and trailing over his throat.

Harry groans and pulls his knot out and pulls back louis' head and dips his head to lick his cum off Louis' throat.

Louis moans and holds Harry's face arching his neck and panting. The burning in his throat was so satisfying for both.

Harry kisses his lips softly while stroking his cheeks, "you did so good my baby, so good for his alpha" Louis grins with his eyes half closed and harry kisses his eyelids.

"My baby boy, I'm gonna have this sweet delicious silk of yours which belongs to?"

"You Harry..."


Louis moans throwing his head back as Harry's tongue was sliding in and out smoothly, making him reach his high.

He pulls on Harry's hair hard and cums on his tongue. Harry moans and licks him close, not wanting to waste a drop of his silk.

He pulls back and hovers over his Omega who's eyes were closed, he was panting enjoying the pleasure shooting his body. Harry leans down and kisses him all over his face.

God he's so beautiful, and all his! Harry cups louis' face and kisses him softly taking louis' breath away. He slowly lines up his knot over the omega' hole and pushes in the tip gently.

Louis immediately responses and moans in Harry's mouth who kept pushing until he was fully inside tight heat of omega.

He stays like that and takes his time to kiss as much as he can Louis' swollen lips. He pulls out slowly and Louis whines loudly but it soon turns into a moan when Harry thrusts back in roughly.

"Oh god!" Louis swears and his eyes rolled back and Harry moves to his ear chuckling, his knot keeps thrusting into the omega, each time at a different pace and angle.

"Moan my name, yell who's giving you pleasure my omega"

Louis scratches Harry's broad back and moans his name loudly when he felt harry hit the spot. Harry smirks cause he knew what he just did, and he does it again and again without any fail.

"I-i fuck I can't anymore Harry!"

Louis lets it go and cums all over his stomach and Harry felt his knot getting ties inside louis. He stuffs his face in Louis' face and moans out loudly and bites his shoulder lightly of course.

He cums as well deep inside him...

Louis pants and hugs Harry's body close to him, afraid he'll be taken away any time. Harry holds him close to his chest, kissing his hair and praising him for being a good omega.

It keeps going like that until they both were so tired to even move a muscle. Louis was filled with Harry's seeds and omega was the happiest and Harry alpha was satisfied!

They both laid in each other's arms, breathing their scent and relaxing. Harry rubs his back watching as Louis slowly falls asleep, he was still inside him and he is not at all complaining.

He signs and kisses his forehead mumbling,

"I love you Louis... I will always love you, even when I can't...and shouldn't..."

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now