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His whole world shattered in a second when he saw them take his husband's body to the ambulance.

His hands started to shake and mind went blank. He watches them put him in.

He grabs Rylee and picks her up running out. Her daughter was yelling, confused what was happening, holding on him tightly.

"T-this is-is my husband!"

"Please get in sir!"


And here he was crying in his mother's arms. Timmy was in the O.T and his father was talking on the phone next to them. Rylee was crying as well, not understanding what's going on.

Louis sniffs and moves back. His mother wipes his tears away, "Don't cry Louis, pray to god. Nothing will happen to him."

His dad came and sat next to them, he picks Rylee wiping her tears "Rylee, you're my brave girl right?" She nods crying.

"Then no crying, daddy will be back Rylee... he'll be alright" he hugs her close to his chest and she calms down.

"Who were you talking to on phone?" Louis heard his mom ask and then his father replied with, "I called Harry... he's on his way"


He heard his name after seven years, the last he heard Timmy mention him was when he told him that Harry is going to London. He said he'll start the new branch of their company...

And after that he never heard or have seen Harry...never have ever Timmy mentioned Harry again...

it's strange

"Doctor, is he alright?"

Louis ran towards the doctor and asks him, watching as the doctor removes his mask.

"I'm sorry...we couldn't save him..."

Over... everything was over

Louis falls on his knees sobbing, clutching his aching heart. His omega howls in pain clawing his chest.

He felt his mother and father hold him...saying nothing just... holding him.

And that's when he heard Rylee, "My daddy?" He looks over to her as he tries to go in the Operation theatre but louis stops her.

He holds her crying, "No Rylee... he's not there..."

"B-but they took him there-mommy i saw them-"

He hugs her close to his chest, closing his eyes. Memories with his husband started were playing infront of him like some movie' end credit rolling.

Everything was over for him that day...


*Time skip*

Everyone left but he refuses to...

He sits on the ground next to his grave, he keeps the flowers that he bought on the grave. He looks at the name.

Timothy chalamet

A loving husband





Louis saw him...he saw harry after seven years. They didn't made eye contact, they never talked or even stayed in the same room as each other...

Its been three days...

He sniffs wiping his tears, "Rylee misses you so much... everyday she wakes up asking for you...i don't know for her to accept this...our fate..."

He looks at the wedding ring on his finger that he refuses to remove, "I love you so much...i will always love you..." He looks up touching Timmy's name on the stone...

"Even when I can't..."


He was in his room, at his old room. He was holding a sleeping Rylee in his lap. He runs his fingers through her hair, stroking her cheek.

He thinks back to his first night...his wedding night

*Flash back*

The first thing louis did when they were finally in the room alone at their wedding night, he grabbed Timmy's face and kissed him.

Tears ran down his cheeks as he kisses him, his tears were mixed with Timmy's...he doesn't know why Timmy was crying but he didn't questions.

Timmy steps forward until the back of louis' knees hit the bed and he falls on it. Timmy hovers over him and slowly start stroking his cheek kissing him.

"Timmy...i want you."

Timmy pulls back and looks into those blue pretty eyes of his omega, "you sure baby?" Louis nods and grabs Timmy's neck pulling him close.

"I want you timmy, want you to fill me up with your seeds...make love to me please"

And Timmy was more than happy to oblige, he makes love to him... worshiping every inch of his body. Kissing and licking everything his mouth couch reach.

He cums inside him, knotting hin cause that's what louis was asking for...and he gives it to him..

*Flash back ends*

Louis wipes his tears away as he remembers the night. "Your father didn't knew you weren't his daughter..." He whispered stroking Rylee' cheek.

"He didn't understood how i got pregnant right after that night but ..." He leans back closing his eyes, "he never questioned, he was the happiest...you made him the happiest."

He takes a deep breath and opens his eyes and saw... Harry

Standing in the doorway, looking at him in the eyes for the first time he saw him in these years...

"What're you doing here?" Louis asks sitting up watching as Harry leans on the doorframe, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

He has changed so much. He has long hair now that were passing down his broad shoulder. He doesn't have beard or even a little stubble.

He was changed yet his eyes were the same...

"To tell you truth..."

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now