The End

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Harry's heart was pounding with love when he heard Rylee call him father for the first time. Louis smiles and pulled Rylee into the hug as well.

"Harry..." Louis says looking at harry who kisses Rylee's head and then looks at him, "I love alpha"

Harry leans forward without wasting a second and softly presses his lips on louis' and then after a short soft kiss he pulls back to response, "I love you beautiful omega"

This is all harry could ever ask for...his daughter and his omega.

They all pull back when harry saw niall standing nearby grinning huge, "uhem...Thank you so much Mr Horan-"

"Oh please, call me Niall!" Niall says and harry smiles nodding, "Thank you so much... Niall"

"It's my job, Mr styles..."

Louis shakes hands with Niall, "See you soon at the party!" Niall nods and then leaves.

Liam was there too but he was busy talking to some cops. Harry looks at louis, "Party?"

"Yes Daddy! Momma kept a party tomorrow, because we saved you!" Rylee giggles loudly and harry grins as he bends down and picks her up.

"Thank you so much for saving me, my princess...and my queen" harry winks at louis who shakes his head fondly.

Liam walks to them, "Congratulations you won the case and don't worry about drake. We're looking for him as soon as he's under arrest I'll inform you. Enjoy!" He gives harry and louis a hug then leaves.

Louis looks at harry who was already looking at him, "Let's go home..."

"Yes please..."


*Months later*

Last year was the day he lost his everything and then this its the day he has everything he could ask for!

As per louis' wish they moved back into the mansion where louis and timmy lived after marriage.

But then the memories and reminders of his lost husband was still hunting louis decided to sell it.

Its been two months since they bought new house-not a mansion that's too big for their happy little family- and it was louis' birthday party!

And the best gift louis has ever got was when harry got on his knees and proposed him...

"Did you like it?" Harry asks wrapping his arm around his fiance and soon to be mate.

Louis smiles and nods, "i love it Harry, everything is perfect!" Harry smiles... everything was perfect.

Drake was caught after a month later they won the case and he was rotting in cell for his actions.

Harry bows down infront of louis who giggles at his cute alpha, "May i have a dance with the queen?"

Louis straightens his back, "Yes, you king" and harry takes his omega' hand and they both make their way towards dance floor.

Everyone moved away and gave the central spot for the lovely couple.

Soft violin began to play in the background as harry swiftly moves his body with louis.

Louis twirls as harry wraps his arm around his waist and pulls him close.

They both looked at each other as they sway to the music. Rylee was watching them with everyone as she stood with her grandmother.

"Momma and daddy looks so happy, right nons?"

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now