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Harry was back after ten minutes and by the look on his face it looks he's not in the mood to talk now.

Louis follows him to the dining room and sits on the table. Without any word they both started eating.

Lydia stood by Harry's side the whole time. Louis looks at harry who's eyes were on his phone.

"Harry I..um" louis calls out by Harry was too focused on his phone to hear what louis was saying so louis said louder, "Harry!"

Harry looks up at him with an annoyed look which louis ignored, "what?"

"Tomorrow i wanna go for job hunting, yours coming right?"

Harry frowns and keeps his phone down, "why do you wanna work?"

Louis blinks at his word, "what do you mean?" Harry signed and rubs his eyes.

"I earn enough for us to live comfortably, why do you wanna work and stres out huh." Harry's words and tone weren't matching. Louis was immediately taken back from the way he's looking at him.

"What do you want me to do then? Sit at home like a house wife? And one more thing Harry, you're not husband you don't have to pay for my or my daughter's bills and shits!" With that louis leaves the table.

Harry groans and rubs his face, "I didn't mean it that way!" He mumbles and Lydia looks at the door to see Louis going upstairs.

"Sir... it's alright, give him time to adjust." She says and Harry shakes his head looking at her, "and who are you to comfort me!"

He gets up and leaves as well while Lydia smirks behind his back, "your biggest nightmare?"


*Next morning*

Rylee was whining, she wants to go to shopping for new toys as Harry promised him.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Harry asks and she shakes her head crossing her arms, "No!"

"Not today Rylee, i have some work outside so you'll have to stay home" Louis sys and she pouts whining abd kicking her feets.

"I wanna go, i wanna go, i wanna go-"

"Alright, I'll take you to shopping and mommy can go where he wants to, yeah?" Harry asks and Rylee nods grinning.

Louis signs but doesn't says anything just listens to them. Harry and Rylee finishes their breakfast and goes up to get ready for shopping.

Louis pulls out his phone and texts zayn. They exchanged number yesterday.

Hey zaynie! i want to go out for job hunting today, wanna join ?

He goes up to his room to change. He wears a baby blue sweater and some jeans. He was combing his hair when his phone dinged.

Hey lou, ofc I'll join. Send me your address I'll pick you up.

Louis does and sends him his address. He wears his shoes and goes down to see Harry and Rylee all ready to go.

"Bye Momma!" Rylee waves and louis smiles waving her back. "Be a good girl okay? And don't ask for too many toys you already have a box-"

"Shhh momma" Rylee shushes him and he raises his eyebrow looking at her.

Harry chuckles and shakes his head at her, "Go get in car I'll ve there" Rylee nods and goes out.

Harry faces louis who signs and turns to go kitchen but he grabs his hand stopping him, "Louis I'm sorry, i shouldn't have said that last night. I swear i didn't mean to h-"

"I got what you meant Harry. And i don't wanna talk about it cause no matter shat you say, I'm free to do what i want and i will do as i please!" Louis jerks Harry's hand off him and goes to kitchen.

Harry signs in defeat and goes out. Louis makes himself a cup of a tea while he waits for Zayn.

Lydia walks in and looks at him, "uh, i found this paper in sir's clothes." She gives him a paper and he looks at it.

He frowns as he reads the title written in bold letters,

Bdsm contact

"What the hell..." He goes through it reading all the rules and conditions. When he reached the bottom he found two signatures, one was of Harry and other was of someone named Evelyn

He frowns, "who's Evelyn?" He wonder and keeps the paper in his pocket. Lydia watches as louis gets a call and he leaves...


"The place was cozy right?" Zayn asks and Louis nods as he looks at the book store across from the cafe they're in right now. He really loves to read books and this job is perfect for him.

Being a Librarian is what he wanted to be if money didn't mattered.


Louis was lost in thoughts making zayn frown, he touches his arm and he snaps back to reality. "Huh?"

"What're you thinking?"

Louis signs as he shakes his head, "nothing" he eats his muffin and Zayn keeps looking at him.

"You and harry...how?"

And Louis tells him everything. From the day he lost timmy to the day he decided to give Harry a chance.

"Louis, we can never change the fate even if we try till death. Maybe its a sign to get back with harry? We never know, Like I've told you louis, you'll find your true love one day!" Zayn says grinning and louis nods as he smiles.

"Yea, you tell me how did you met Liam!"

Zayn signs as he keeps his coffee mug away, "After you marriage i went to Bradford to my family. After living there for two years or so i went to italy for some work related things and i bumped into liam on the street!"

Louis smiled, "quite romantic huh!" Zayn giggles shaking his head.

"Not at all! At first i didn't recognised him and he played along and after a whole month i realised that he's the same alpha i had lost my virginity to!"

Louis laughs as Zayn shakes his head laughing too and after so many years they had the same laugh and talks they used to have...

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