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Louis signs sinking in his seat. Its over now, once Rylee yells it means she's determined for it. He can't argue with his daughter.

"Stubborn like you." His mom shakes her head at him, he looks at Rylee talking with harry and giggling loudly.

Its the first time he's seen her laugh and be her cheerful self, since they lost timmy.

"Louis, take a break and go with Harry. It'll help you keep your mind off, dear." His mom says rubbing his back and he looks down at his locket that Timmy gave him for his birthday.

He looks at the ring on his finger, "no matter what i do. i can never forget him..." he whispers and his mom nods.

"Its true. But I'm not telling you to forget him louis, look at Rylee... she's so happy to go to London." He looks at Rylee.

Her big doe green eyes blinking as she tells harry about his drawing skills and he listens attentively praising her.

"I think you should move to London... she'll meet harry and stay in touch it'll make her happy..."

No one matters to him more than his daughter now. And if Harry makes his daughter happy so he's ready to move anywhere...

"I think...yeah"


They were in Harry's car right now, Rylee in the backseat while louis in the passenger side.

Harry was driving to Louis' house-the one lived with Timmy- as louis said, he has to grab some things before he go to London.

Harry glances at louis who was fiddling with his wedding ring staring at it intensely, deep in thought.

He clears his throat and looks at Rylee from the mirror, "You comfortable there, love?"

She nods and looks back out spotting a ice cream parlor on the side. He immediately starts bouncing in her seat, "Daddy-" she stops.

And so does louis' heart.

Harry gulps and stops the car turning to look at Rylee who has a frown on her face and she looks down in her lap.

Louis was quite when she says, "sorry...um, can i have ice cream?" Her voice was shaky like he was trying not to cry.

Louis takes a deep breath and gets out of the car without saying anything. Harry signs looking at Rylee who was frowning looking at his mom, "Is he mad at me?"

"No Rylee, he's a bit sad. Don't worry we'll have ice cream and he'll be cheerful like you again!" Harry tries to cheer her up and she nods smiling while getting off the car following with Harry.

They both go in and sit at a table as per Rylee's wish, she wants to eat here.

"You like strawberries?" Harry asks Rylee and she nods licking her strawberry flavoured ice cream.

Louis smiles at her, "she doesn't likes it, she loves it!" He shakes his head fondly. Harry grins, its first time louis talked to him...maybe indirectly but he did.

"Banana too!" Rylee says widening her eyes, " also watermelon, and..." She keeps on naming fruits that she likes and Harry's smile widens... she's just like him.

Louis smiles as he pushes a curl back from her face, "you love all fruits Rylee" he chuckles and she realised that she just named all the fruits she know.

She giggles poking her pink tongue out and Harry chuckles lightly pinching her cheek, "Cutie"

"You too, uncle Harry!"

"Don't call me uncle...just Harry, okay?" Harry says lifting up her fist for fist bump and she nods bumping her tiny fist with his...

Louis doesn't want to but he just see a glimpse of his future when Rylee and Harry are together.


They reached their-louis' house. Rylee grabs Harry's hand and starts dragging him towards her room, "i wanna show you my toys!"

"Rylee, let him get fresh first!"

"No its fine, let's go Rylee." Harry picks her up and she squeals.

Louis remembered how timmy always used to pick her up and pretends to fall to make her hold on him tightly, then they both used to laugh.

"Louis?" Louis turns back to find their maid who was also Rylee' care taker, She was in her late thirties. "Hey, stella."

Its the first time he's seeing her after Timmy' accident. After the accident he went to hospital then straight to his parents house.

She hugs him rubbing his back comfortingly. "I-i don't know how I'll live without him... he was my everything"

He was, after the marriage it took him some time to adjust but as the time passes he eventually fell in love with him.

It was hard ofc but it's Timmy we're talking about. Who can not fell in love with an alpha who wants nothing but love in return of love.

How can louis not fall for him? When he has all an omega can ask for. Sweet, kind, caring and strong. Not only that but timmy never treated Rylee like she wasn't his daughter.

He loved both of then with all his heart. Louis misses him so much...

"Everything will be okay, louis. You're a strong omega, Timmy will be so proud of you!" She wipes his tears away, "He never liked tears in your eyes... smile and look forward to your life Louis... today Rylee."

He nods and wipes his face collecting himself. Right now he needs to relax and rest for some time.

"Lunch will be ready in twenty minutes, go get fresh!" Stella says and he nods, he always looked at her as his mother. She's a very kind lady.

He goes to Rylee's room and peeks inside. Harry was playing with dolls and it looks like Rylee was preparing tea from his tea set.

"Um... Harry?

Harry looks up at him keeping the dolls down, "yea?" He watches as louis pulls on his shirt nervously.

"Uh...can we stay the night here? We can leave tomorrow morning for London." Louis asks, hesitantly.

Harry smiles nodding, "Sure, no problem. Take some rest." Louis nods signing that's all left to do...rest!

"Mr Harry, your tea is ready!"

He glances at Rylee and harry before he goes back to his room.

He closes the door and leans his back to it looking around the room all he can see was...timmy and his things

He closes his eyes taking a deeo breath, "no more crying, louis. You have to be strong!" He says to himself and finally goes in the bathroom stripping and getting ready to take a warm bath.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now