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Louis bites back his smile when he heard whispers coming from besides him. He keeps his eyes closed, pretending to sleep.



Louis giggles loudly as Timmy whines. He opens his eyes immediately was tackled by his daughter hugging him tightly.

"Thank you my beautiful princess!" He kisses her forehead, pushing back her thick curls. She smiled dimples popping on her cheeks.

"Ryyyyylee!" Timmy drags out her name making her laugh loudly, "you were supposed to wake him after three!"

Rylee poks her tongue out at his father, "Nooh!" Louis shakes his head smiling fondly and finally turns his attention towards the cake that Timmy was holding.

"Mmh, looks so delicious!"

Timmy smiles and hands him the cake and a knife, "I made it fo-"

"Daddy i helped you too!"

"Oh yeah yeah, she helped me stir the batter!" Timmy messes up Rylee's hair making her smile widely.

Louis grins and cuts the cake as his husband and daughter start singing birthday song for him again. He smiles and feeds the first cake of piece to Rylee.

Then to Timmy, "it's your birthday, darling!" Timmy feeds him and he hums at the delicious taste.

"It's delicious!"

"Not more than you" Timmy whispers smirking and louis blushed glancing at Rylee who was busy eating the cake, frosting was all over his mouth and chin.

"Awee, you look so cute!" Louis kissed her cheeks and she whines turning away and continues eating her piece of cake.

Timmy pulls out a navy blue box from behind him. Louis looks at him wide eyes, "Timmy! You know i don't like it when you buy me gifts!" He whines.

Timmy smiles nodding, "yeah i know but its your birthday and i want you shower you with gifts! Be glad its just one!" He winks and louis giggles.


He takes the box from Timmy and opens it. It was a beautiful and delicate locket, with a butterfly made of diamonds of it.

He grins and hugs Timmy tightly, "it's so beautiful Timmy, thank you so much!" Timmy smiles and hugs him tightly.

"You're welcome, here lemme put it on you." He helps him put it on amd smiles as the diamonds shin on louis' tan hot skin.

Louis smiles and the wraps his arms around Timmy's neck pulling him close he kisses him softly.

Timmy smiles into the kiss and tilts his head kissing him fully. Louis felt his wrap his arms around his waist pulling him close and he smiles.

Little did they know, it was gonna be their last kiss.


"Momma can i have some more ice cream?" Rylee blinks her doe green eyes trying to manipulate his mom but louis shakes his head closing his eyes. They all were at the nearby cafe  to have breakfast.

"No no no, you'll get cold and you've already ate two cups!"

Timmy chuckles looking at Rylee' pout, "awe my princess, don't pout you can have one last cup!"

"Yay!" Rylee bounces in her seat and louis looks at timmy wide eyes.

"C'mon its your birthday baby, let her enjoy!"

Louis signs and kisses Timmy's cheeks "you're so sweet babe" Timmy smiles and holds louis' hands.

"Only for you baby boy" louis smiles as Timmy leans forward to kiss him but Rylee starts talking loudly.

"Momma, daddy can we get a dog?" She was looking at the table besides them where a family was having breakfast with their golden retriever.

Louis smiles and nods, "of course Rylee, in future tho." Timmy nods smiling.

The waiter comes and louis orders another cup of ice cream for Rylee and some more tea for himself and Timmy.

Timmy's phone rings and he looks at the caller ID. Louis looks at him and watches as Timmy's expressions changes.

"Who's it?" He asks wiping Rylee's mouth, he looks at Timmy who didn't answered him right away.

"Just a client, I'll be back alright?"

Louis nods and Timmy gets up going out of the cafe to take the call. Louis' eyes follows him but he turns his attention back to Rylee who was whining loudly.

"What happened love?"

She shows him her hands that were sticky, ice cream was all over his dress. "Messy girl, let's go clean your dress" they both got up and went to the washroom.

He washes her hands and cleans her dress with a paper towel then comes out going back to their table.

He saw that everyone im the cafe was looking outside where a huge crowd was formed. He frowns and goes to their table trying to see what those people were crowded looking at.

Rylee' ice cream has arrived so she starts eating it, getting her hands dirty one again. Louis shakes his head at her cuteness.

"Oh dear, poor man. May god bless him" Louis hears a lady say looking outside the window.

He turns and looks at her, "what happened outside?"

"A man was hit by a truck. Poor Alpha seems like he won't make it..."

Louis' heart dropped...he looks towards the window as his heart beats loudly in his chest.

His eyes turning wide when he saw everyone move away as an ambulance pulls up...


Everyone has moves to the side for the nurses to take the body in the ambulance and now the body can be seen and Louis saw,

Who was it...

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now