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Louis steps inside the bathroom and locks the door. He turns to face the shower, curtains were closed and the shower was still running.

Louis turns off the light and walks towards the shower, "Louis?" He heard harry call his name and he hums letting him know that its only him.

He opens the shower curtain and steps in. Harry turns to face him, they can only made out the outline of their body.

Louis takes a deep breath before wrapping his arms around Harry's neck who wraps his arms around his waist pulling him close.

Louis keeps his head on Harry's check, "I'm sorry Harry...i know i hurt you-it wasn't my intention i swear! I don't know what came over me and i ask-"

"Louis, please stop apologizing. I forgave you already, let's not talk about it."

Louis hums and snuggles in Harry's neck. Harry's hand goes back to turn the shower off. Louis lifts his head as Harry's hands goes to his back and starts stroking his back.

"You've gotten so prettier Louis" Harry looks into his eyes, even tho the darkness he can see the shine in his eyes.

"Really? This pregnancy have changed my body alot..." Louis mumbles looking down at his chest.

Harry smiles and kisses his temple, "that's the most beautiful part of yours Louis" his large hands came up to touch his chest and louis signs.

Harry walks forward until louis' back touches the cold tiled wall and pins his hands above his head.

Louis parts his lips looking at harry who dips his head in his neck and starts kissing the cold skin.

Louis moans out loudly when Harry's lips wraps around his nipple. He pulls on his hands to get them free, he wants to pull on Harry's long hair.

He whines when Harry doesn't let go his hands, "Harry-"

"Its Daddy for you, baby boy." Louis start to get wet when he heard Harry's dominant raspy voice.

He watches as Harry let's go his hands, he sinks down to his knees. "Can I suck you off...daddy?"

Harry groans and grabs louis' hair as he pushes his hips towards his face. "Yes my baby boy!"

Louis slowly wraps his lips around the tip and starts sucking slowly as he takes him in.

Harry groans and grabs louis' hair and thrusts inside his mouth. Louis breathes in sharpy before he starts sucking, grabbing Harry's thighs for support.

He swirls his tongue over the tip and harry throws his head back thrusts gently in his mouth. His fingers pulling on Louis' wet hair.

"Fucking hell..." He cums deep in his throat and louis swallows him without choking or gaging.

Harry pulls out and putts hus hands under louis' armpits and picks him up like a baby.

Louis squeals and wraps his arms around Harry's neck and legs around his waist tightly.

Harry hugs him close and gets out of the shower he goes towards the door and into the bedroom. Now finally able to see eachother clearly.

Louis gets shy and tries to hide himself but harry puts him on bed and hovers over him. "You're so beautiful my boy, please don't hide yourself from me"

Louis blushes and looks away from Harry who chuckles and lays next to him. He pulls louis on top of him and pulls the duvet over their wet naked body.

"We're still dripping Harry!" Louis says but keeps his head on Harry's chest hugging him.

"We'll get eachother warm baby" harry wraps his arms around louis' back and signs.

"Good night harry..."

"Good night Lou.."


*Next morning*

They were at the breakfast table. Harry was helping Rylee dress her Barbie doll while their new maid was serving them breakfast.

"What's your name?" Louis asks the name who looks like she's already annoyed and tired of the work.

"Lydia" she mumbles and turns back to the stove without looking at louis who frowns, she's weird.

He looks at harry who starts eating as well as Rylee. "Uh Today i have to go to school, you know for Rylee' admission!"

Harry nods, "we'll go together. After it we can eat lunch outside, Lydia till we come back the rooms should be cleaned and the dinner should be ready!"

Lydia nods her head smiling big as she says, "sure sir!" Harry nods and goes back to eating. Louis' eyes were on Lydia who kept staring at Harry.

He shakes his head and starts eating his breakfast as well, "Mumma, when will i meet Ray?" Rylee asks.

"I don't know love, maybe in summer holidays?" She pouts and sips her juice.

"Who's ray?" Harry asks.


"He's my bestfriend!" Rylee says smiling widely.

Louis smiles nodding, "yeah, he's been her frien-"

"Best friend mumma!" Rylee corrects him.

"Okay okay, bestfriend since kindergarten! Right?" He asks Rylee who grins nodding her head.

Harry smiles and pats her leg, "Don't worry Rylee, we'll visit him soon!"

"Thank you Harry!"


"Did you liked the school, Rylee?" Harry asks Rylee while driving, she bounces in her seat nodding.

"Yes! Very much! Its so big and pretty!"

Louis smiles at her, "The academic year is starting soon so get ready to study huh!" She nods while looking outside the window.

Harry parks at a restaurant and they all got out of car. "I come here every Saturday, they got amazing food!" He says.

"Let's try then!" Louis says taking Rylee's hand as they walk in.

They got a table and their waiter came to take their order. While they were giving order louis heard a familiar voice from behind him.

He turns to see who it is...

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now