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*Next day*

Harry was alone at home in his study. Louis and Rylee went out to get Rylee' books and school supplies for her.

*Knock knock*

"Come in"

Lydia opens the door and walks in, he looks up at her and raises her eyebrow asking what she wants.

"A girl named Evelyn is here..."



When Harry walks down and sees Evelyn sat on the couch his heart drops...she was crying.

As soon as she saw him she runs towards him and holds hin tightly, "Harry! Thank god you're back. There's a man! H-he's trying to kill me!"

Harry just stares at her thinking how stupid can someone be. He hired a hit man to kill her and she came to him to save her... pathetic woman

"What're you saying?"

She sniffs and wipes her tears, "I-i was at work-and this man came in and tried to hit me! I ran and he was chasing me-"

Just then the door opens and drake walks in holding a gun in his hand and panting. "You Bitch! You ran towards your own dead!"

Harry signs as Evelyn frowns and looks between them, "w-what!"

"He was the one who gave me money to kill you...get ready-"

"Wait-no-" Evelyn tries to run but Harry grabs her hand and holds her in kne place and she starts sobbing, "please don't kill me!"

"Then leave and gimme that recording. Don't you ever show me your face again!" Harry yells in her face and she flinches crying harder.

"B-but i want you! I lo-"

"SHUT UP! " Harry slaps her across face and she falls down, "Don't you dare say those words! I don't love you alright!"

She cries and crawls away but Harry grabs her hair and makes her face him, "Either you get out from my life and hand ne that recording or die..."

She cries and joins her hands, "Please don't do this-"


She looks around crying and stands up slowly. Harry takes the gun from drake and points it at her and she starts shaking from fear.


"Harry, please...i lov-"


A scream followed after the gun shoots and it wasn't from Evelyn...nor from Lydia...

It was Rylee...

Louis stands there wide eyes looking at Harry still holding the gun, he looks at Evelyn's body on the ground...blood everywhere

Rylee hugs louis tightly crying and Harry drops the gun, "Ryl-"

"NO HARRY... don't come near!" Louis warns and picks up Rylee hugging her tightly. He looks at drake then back at harry, "i can't believe you just killed someone..."

"Louis...you knew about this all-"

Louis stops him by shaking his head, "I'll...put Rylee in her room... meet me in the room" with that he leaves.

Harry groans and looks at drake, "Get rid of the body and your money will be in your account after it"

Drake nods and does as he's told. Harry goes towards stairs but stops when he saw Lydia standing there...she saw it all


"Not a word...you won't say a word to anyone! You didn't saw anything... understood!" She immediately nods when she saw Harry's dark eyes.

He nods and goes to his room falling on his bed. Well...that was eventful!


Louis closes the door behind him and looks at harry sitting on the bed holding his head. He goes and sits next to him.

"You knew i was gonna kill her-"

"But not by your own hands Harry...you killed someone by your own hands! What if the police find out about it-"

"No one will find nothing..." Harry signs as he rubs his face, "No one saw it..."

"I did..." Louis says, "Rylee did... she's just six and she saw a women getting shoot...that tho by your hands!"

Harry nods looking down, "It shouldn't have went that way-"

"Harry...." Harry looks at louis.

"It will make her feel insecure around you ... she'll fear you!" Louis says and harry covers his face as guilt take over him.

"I'm...so sorry"

Louis rubs his back, "I understand you had no choice but...are you sure we're safe now?" He asks Harry who nods.

"Yes... hopefully..."

Louis signs and stands up, "let's go somewhere out for a vacation or something?"

Harry looks at him, "where?"

Louis thinks as he paces infront of him, "see Rylee' school will start from next week so we can go somewhere where her mind will off of these things"

Harry thinks, "i have a beach house in Hawaii!" Louis grins as he holds Harry's hands.

"She loves beach..."



It was time for dinner and louis was with Rylee trying to make her come down to eat, she's scared...

"I don't want Harry there..."

Louis signs and cups her cheeks, "Rylee... that women was a bad person and bad people die-"

"Daddy was not bad...why did he went away!" She looks into his eyes with glossy green ones.

Louis hugs her tightly, "He was an angel Rylee...and god love them very much...too much that they call them to up in heaven..."

She sniffs and pulls back wiping her eyes, "That women went to heaven too?"

Louis shakes her head, "We don't know about her, Rylee and neither do we have to worry about her..." He strokes her rossy cheeks, "let's go down... Harry loves you Rylee...he will never hurt you!"

She looks down at her hands fiddling as she says,


𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now