My brother told me he found me a job, which was fast since I've only been here for two days. We're going to meet them today for proper introductions. I was surprised when Elio told me it was a tattoo parlor. I can't tattoo, so I wasn't sure what they'd have me doing there. The shop is called BlackHeart Ink. All I knew so far was that the place was owned by a set of twins. It was close to Little Italy where my brother says he often is, so maybe the location will give us a chance to see one another more often. It's in SOHO which is a very nice area.They had a cool sign hanging outside, and upon entering, the place was very clean and white. On either side of the entry room were antique looking, Victorian era chaise lounge sofas with hand carved mahogany and white cushioning. The floors across the whole shop were hardwood, the walls were plain white, and hanging on them were framed pictures of different sketches of tattoos all over. Two mini half walls interrupted that front entrance waiting area from the actual tattoo stations. Behind that is the counter.
They had a lot of funky cool stuff lying around. The place was definitely a vibe for sure.
"YO" my brother called out. The shop wasn't technically opened yet, so the whole front area was quiet. Behind a dark wooden door I heard a muffled voice before it opened and entered a man. Tatum is 26 years old with low fade cropped hair, a very light brown color that was almost a dirty blonde. The top strands were longer and gelled back in a messy way. He had well kept face stubble and a straight slightly upturned nose on his slender face. His dark eyes moved around in his head as he took me in for the first time too. The man is handsome.
"Mia, this is my buddy I was telling you about" my brother started the introduction. We both extended hands to shake and when I shook his I saw his arms are nice, but the rest of him is more lean. "So nice to meet you. This guy's mentioned you plenty. Nice to put a face to the name, Mia" Tatum smiled wide in a charming way. "Thank you for even considering hiring me," I told him. He waved me off and clapped my brothers back.
"I'll show you around the shop, but for now let's sit for a minute. I can explain to you what I'm gonna have you doing, alright?" Tatum waved us over to those double matching chaise lounge sofas. I sat beside my brother and Tatum was across from us sitting on the very edge of the cushion. "I'm going to make you shop manager. Your duties will involve management tasks like tracking expenses, scheduling appointments for our tattoo artists and their clients, keeping track of inventory...things like that. Does that sound alright?" He asked me, but looked at my brother, as if for approval.
My brother was in a full suit again today, so I guess this is always how he dresses now...which is funny. He was leaning back on the sofa just nodding along silently. It's weird that he has such 'boss' energy now. I'm not used to this version of him that comes into a room and has people looking for his approval. Riccardo did the same yesterday.
"Yeah, all of that sounds fine. I'm a hard worker" I assured him. The guy smirked in a cute way, and slapped his hands down on his thighs to rub them. "Oh I bet. I'm not worried at all." Upon closer inspection he has a dainty hoop nose piercing and from his t-shirt and shorts I could see the start of a few tattoos on his arms and legs. He's actually very handsome the more I look at him. He's being sweet too, though I'm not sure if that's for my sake or my brothers.
"My twin sister should be in any second" Tatum informed me. I was interested to meet her. All I heard about her was from Elio, and he said that's his "future wife". He said she's sexy. Tatum showed me around the shop and by the time we got back to the front room Elio and Poppy were having a little flirtatious conversation.
Poppy is a hair-dyed ash blonde with the same slightly upturned nose as her brother. She also has dark eyes she lines with black eyeliner wings. They have high cheekbones, the two of them. She's even more tattooed than her brother is. From her outfit I could see them everywhere. She's a very pretty girl, so I could see the appeal my brother had for her. She also has a lot of obvious piercings. Angel bites, nose/septum, and an anti brow piercing. Her lips are roundish but full.

RomanceMia Fiore has been running from dangerous men for half her life. Now that she's focused on a fashion career and finally reuniting with her brother, is meeting her brother's best friend going to put Mia right back in the hands of yet another dangerou...