Chapter 56

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          I'd been really worked up about my father reappearing in me and my brother's life all of a sudden. I felt like a kid again. Nervous to the point of stomach aches, second guessing my every move. I won't delete my fashion page though. I've done enough hiding. I've sacrificed enough. It was unsettling that my father pretended to be some young girl to start having conversations with me. It's down right crazy, and so were his long belligerent direct messages he left on the page. I hadn't fully blocked him yet, because I was keeping an eye on any threats he might send. I did put it so he couldn't see my pictures.

I wasn't gonna let that get me down today though. Not when it's my first day at Vogue Paris. I decided to wear a stylish sheer mesh black turtle neck top under an oversized blazer that I cinched at the waist with a chunky belt. I put my hair up and gave myself bangs to frame my face. I wore a red lip just because I usually don't and it played up this chic all black outfit perfectly.

I felt this look made me seem mature and ready for Vogue.

         I was nervous, but in an excited way. I already met Cynthia so it isn't like I'm walking into this blind. But there's still so much to see. One of the world's most fashionable streets, Rue Du Faubourg-Saint-Honore, the location of the headquarters for Vogue Paris, as well as other top fashion labels. When I approached the building I almost felt like I might pass out. Vogue France...who would have thought. 

Inside the lobby was already chic, but you weren't allowed access to the actual Vogue offices until you scanned your badge and went up to the top floors. There was Vogue. 

        I was greeted at the elevator by a woman who seemed ready to receive me. "Mia?" She asked. When I nodded she smiled and waved me to follow her. My eyes couldn't focus on just one thing. I realized that different sections are styled differently. When we pushed through a glass door I could see we were in the Fashion section that Cynthia Dupont works in. 

On one side, you see the very femme white furniture desks, tables, and chairs with pink cushions on them. To separate these identical spaces are white squared area rugs and chic drapes that can be pulled. It's an open floor plan though. Crystal Chandeliers hang over each stark white desk. Flowers are in vases that look like my favorite. Pink Peonies. It's like this space was made for me.

        "Let me give you the tour. I'm Celine Chen," she introduced herself while always moving forward. I quickly followed after her and introduced myself, even though she did technically already know my name. Her English was pretty good for being French. French-Asian actually. She speaks three languages. That's what I'm trying to do between my English, Italian, and hopefully French soon. 

I gasped when I got to the closet room. A 360 roundabout of clothes, shoes, purses, hats, bags, you name it. "This is the first and most important room," Celine winked at me. My jaw dropped. I couldn't speak or function beyond taking it all in. "Okay, you can see more later. I really should get you to Mrs. Dupont," the friendly intern grabbed my arm and ran us along. She's a young girl with boxy shoulders and an animated laugh.

        When you open Cynthia Dupont's office doors you're immediately struck by the starkness. White walls, modern decor, minimal possessions. Elegantly furnished with a desk and conference style table, both topped in glass. Black leather sofa, black leather chairs, and chrome lighting. Clean is a word I would use to describe the space. No lingering papers, books, or folders. Nothing. The woman was already behind her desk with her reading glasses down the bridge of her nose. 

Tall, slender, thin lips, with her hair down this time in its very light brown, almost blonde medium length. She was in no particular rush to greet me. She finished reading whatever she was looking at on her computer screen before her eyes shifted up. "Mia Fiore," she smirked. "Hello, Cynthia...wait, you did ask me to call you that, correct?" I quickly took it back. "I did," she nodded once. "Okay, Cynthia. I'm so excited to be here" I clasped my hands below my chin. Not very mature of me, but I am freaking out here.

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