Since we were out pretty late, Sammi ended up sleeping over with me in my room. The two of us had gotten tipsy and silly by the end of the night. Dom and Elio ushered us to the car, and were kind enough to buy us food to soak up the liquor. We slept in, but now the two of us were in my bed chatting all about the night before. "I'm sorry, but your brother is so bloody hot," she told me. I cringed at her words which made her laugh. "But so is Dom. He's exactly how you described him. A shade darker, you called it" she lowered her voice when talking about him. I have no idea if Elio is home.
"He's a bit of a badass actually. Don't think I didn't notice him scaring off all the blokes who wanted to come talk to you. Elio wasn't like that with me...he clearly likes you" she told me. It made my gut flip. "No, not in the way you think" I shook my head.
Dom is a control freak. He is also fixated on me because he's a man who gets absolutely everything he wants, and I'm the one thing off limits to him. It's like a kid with a toy. If he can't have it then no one can. Or that's how he sees it at least. "He really is so hot though. Isn't he?" I sighed. It felt good to confide in someone about all this. I had been bottling it all up and didn't even realize how badly I needed this.
"How big is his cock?" She whispered. "Oh my god" I groaned, covering my face with the pillow to hide my blushing cheeks. It gave her a laugh. "Well?" She nudged me. In my muffled voice from the pillow I admitted, "big." She knew we hadn't had sex, but she also knew I had seen it when I walked in on him. She thought that was risque and sexy. She didn't judge me in the slightest.
She also said him using his leg to get me off at the top of the empire state building was one of the hottest things she's ever heard. Just the memory of it heats my core. I loved feeling his erection pressed into my ass, and the way he made me cum just by using his knee...god.
"If you want my honest opinion I'd tell you to stop avoiding him and let him come to the realization that he does wanna risk his friendship with Elio for you, because he does babes. He totally does," she grinned and nudged me. I didn't want her filling my head with fantasies. It wasn't good for me. I nudged her back and told her to get up so I could make us breakfast.
I actually had so much fun with Sammi, but unfortunately after breakfast she had to leave.
To rid myself of the night before I took a shower and for no reason at all I put an outfit together. I figured I would take some pictures for my fashion page. It was a sunny day and the New York skyline looked good as a backdrop. Since the new bag I rented for the week had come in yesterday. I already had an outfit in mind that would match it. It was a chunky gold chain brown leather pouch bag, so I paired it off with my brown ribbed sweater dress that skirted to about my mid to upper thigh. The sleeves were white and poked through the sweater dress like a white button down dress shirt would.
I wore my white knee length boots with them too. Since it's a sweater dress I threw my hair up so I wouldn't get hot. And since I did that I threw on some gold earrings to match the chain of the bag.
When I felt satisfied with my look I set up the camera and took some photos to edit for my page. It was only mid afternoon on a Sunday, but who knows where Elio is. I'm always alone in this house, though the feeling of living alone isn't always bad. Like right now while I'm just doing my own thing without having to tiptoe around anyone.
I'm relaxed, calm. I have no financial worries and I have no one to be cautious of. I don't share a small crowded space with half strangers to afford rent. My life is so different now. I can thank Elio for that.

RomanceMia Fiore has been running from dangerous men for half her life. Now that she's focused on a fashion career and finally reuniting with her brother, is meeting her brother's best friend going to put Mia right back in the hands of yet another dangerou...