Chapter 62

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        I had my alarm set to 5:45am to be able to catch my morning flight back to Paris. Instead of the alarm, I woke up to the sound of a deep voice in a low rumble. It came from the bathroom whose door was only cracked shut. I could see the sliver of light peeking through in the otherwise dark room. Dom wasn't in the bed, and I tried to remember if his flight was earlier than mine. I'm pretty sure it wasn't. Why's he up so early and who's he talking to at this hour? 

I stretched and wiped my eyes before getting up. I saw the clock say it's 5:30 in the morning, so I was gonna be up in fifteen minutes anyway. Quietly I walked to the cracked open door and lightly knocked. The deep rumble of a voice paused and Dom opened the rest, revealing himself in only his sweatpants, no shirt. He looks magnificent. 

        I tipped my head at him in question, and he held a finger up for me to hold on. I left him in the bathroom, flicking the light to the hotel room so I could change. My bag was already packed last night, so I'm mostly ready to go. I'll shower when I get back to the apartment in a couple of hours. I'm too tired to do it right now. 

        I didn't mean to listen into Dom's conversation, but the room was so silent I couldn't help overhearing a few things. "Just do as you're told. As far as you know, I had to take a last minute flight out there. Yeah...yeah." And then I heard him hang up. He walked out of the bathroom to stand almost directly behind me. His hands came to my hips, and he pulled my back against his front. I was a little upset from how last night's conversation had gone. I asked Dom to come to Paris and he didn't answer me. He kissed me a little bit and fell asleep. 

It made me feel silly for even thinking he'd take any more time off work than he already has. "Mia," he called my name with the intention of turning me around, but I stayed put. Instead he wrapped his arms fully around me, keeping my back pressed onto him while he spoke again in his sexy morning voice.

"I've settled things" he told me without elaborating. That got me to turn in his arms and look up at him. "Meaning?" I furrowed my brows. "I didn't say yes last night because your brother is coming home later today. He'd wonder where I was if I was gone for the next two days," he explained. Again disappointment hit me, but I understood his reasoning. I just nodded okay.

        "But I sorted it out," he reiterated. "Meaning?" I found myself asking again. "I told Alessandro to tell them I hadda take a last minute flight to Nevada to deal with some stuff with my father. We had an argument before he left. It's believable I'd go there to oversee some business. I'll come to Paris," he shocked me by saying. My eyes lit up and I couldn't help the grin that split across my face. His lip seemed to twitch in amusement when I jumped into his arms and hugged him tight. "Thank you, thank you!" I was so relieved.

When he placed me back down he cupped my face and kissed my lips. It made my heart flutter in my chest. "I didn't think you'd say yes," I told him quietly, when he parted his lips from mine. He took my chin and made me look up at him. "Why's that?" His thumb grazed my bottom lip as he asked. It made me lick my lips in response, which kept his eyes there. "Because you don't like taking time off of work. And you've already gotten plenty of sex here. I figured you were satiated," I fished a little bit, feeling needy for him to reassure me that it isn't just sex that brings him to me. Dom dropped my chin and looked away from me. "I'm already right here. Might as well take the two extra days," he shrugged away his choice.

        I stopped fishing after that. It's good enough for me that he's agreed to come. I won't push it from there. "Have you looked at flights?" I removed myself from his arms to start getting dressed. I can't miss my flight. Cynthia will be waiting for me in the lobby soon.

"I bought out the first class ticket on your flight. Do you fly first class?" He asked me. I snorted a laugh until I realized he was serious. "No, Vogue only pays for people like Cynthia to be first class. Me and the other girl are in normal seats," I quickly shoved my clothes into my packed bag and started moving about the room. He casually leaned into the wall and watched. He slipped on jeans and a tee and was ready with little effort.

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