Chapter 11 (Domani's POV)

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        I sat at the head of the table with the five heads of crime families, waiting to see why they called this bullshit sit down. Mr. Rizzo of the Rizzo crime family cleared his throat and turned to me to begin speaking. Of all the families the De Luca's are actually closest to them. I'm friends with Rizzo's son and I've fucked his daughter. Not that he knows that. "Domani, my daughter wants to get married to an outsider" he announced. "Who?" Was my first question. She wasn't obligated to marry inside the circle, but it is preferred when people do. 

If he's calling a meeting there's more to this though. "The guy is a Made guy, just not for us" he beat around the bush. I glanced down at my watch and back at him to make it known I didn't have the fucking time for the dramatics. "A guy from O' Riley's crew" Mr. Rizzo pressed his lips together knowing the reception of this news wouldn't be favorable to him. 

"A fucking Irishman" Lombardi spat. He's never liked the Irish. I folded my hands in front of me and considered this. "You said he's a Made guy, but how high up? We may be able to use this in our favor" I thought about it. The Irish and Italians have had bad blood between them for decades. We don't let them run any territories here in New York, but they do have a footing in other areas like Boston and other parts of New England.

        O' Riley is a guy we know through the troubles they've given us over trying to run point on the gun trade on the East Coast. I have my Serbians for all that and I'm not planning on changing over. The bastards might be crazy, but they have been loyal and give me good products. However, a treaty of some kind or even just a civil line of communication could be useful for many things. I don't even know where a Rizzo would run into a fucking Irishman around these parts, but she's apparently fallen in love. I really don't give a shit. This is from a business standpoint only. 

"He's O' Riley's son..." Rizzo continued to look at me as others started muttering things around the table. I leaned back in my chair and scratched my chin. "His son, huh?" I thought further on it. "I don't know if this would help or hurt us if I give my blessing for this. Either they'll feel entitled to something and start bothering us, or they'll feel they owe us something and we can use them to our advantage," I looked at the other men, much older than myself. 

They're doing a lot in Philly nowadays. That's where their major operations are running. I have no business in Philly, but maybe I do now. They're big on burglaries and methamphetamines which I don't fully dabble with. I'm more in the cocaine and heroin trade, but if we had a little branch down in Philly I wouldn't say no to more money. 

        "Rizzo, you'll have to arrange a sit down with O'Reilly and his boy. I won't give my blessing until I talk to these guys. I needa know what they're about." Mr. Rizzo nodded and thanked me a hundred times for not blowing up on him for letting his daughter touch an Irishman. "I have a small matter before we conclude this meeting" Mr. Romano cleared his throat to regain our attention. I nodded for him to continue. 

"A few of my capo's are complaining about a new little street gang down on Bleecker and East Broadway. Young guys tryna act tough and make a name. They're breaking windows and causing trouble in some of our bars. They gave them a beating here and there, but the fuckers don't seem very phased" he told me. I grit my teeth. "New guys?" I hadn't been made aware until now.   

        "Have your Capo's grab a couple of them. I wanna talk to them myself" I decided. A few eyes went wide around the room. To have the boss dealing with street guys is less heard of, but I like getting my hands dirty, and I often do when a beating is involved. Especially if they're new to the area and causing this much trouble. I wanna know who they work for. 

"Will do, boss. I'll let them know right away" Romano stood and tapped the table. He looked at me to see if I was excusing them. I lifted two fingers telling them they're free to go. 

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