I was already pissed off that the clients canceled this meeting last minute at the club. I don't like waiting around for people, and I don't like being stood up. They swear it was an emergency, but it doesn't help my mood any. Elio disappeared from downstairs, so I went up to the office to find him and let him know he's free to leave. When I walked through the door I saw he was holding the phone up, and that voice hit me in an instant. His sister was giggling telling some story. His eyes snapped up to mine and he quickly ended the call. If that was because of me, there was no need. Elio's been really careful about bringing her up to me at all. He never talks about her, like he doesn't want to acknowledge her and myself in any capacity ever again.Things were rocky between us after that huge blow out of him finding out that I fucked his sister. He's come around a little bit, and I honestly think it's just because she isn't here. I know I told him I'd stay away from her, but I didn't expect her to just fucking move out of the country outta nowhere. Not a word about it either. From either one of them.
One day I was trying to avoid the girl, and the next I had Riccardo telling me Mia isn't here anymore. That pissed me the fuck off.
I remember the day he told me. I had him up in the penthouse with me waiting on a call. I just decided at random to ask how the girl was doing. Elio hadn't spoken of her, and I hadn't been seeing her around the building at all. When I saw my goon get all fidgety I knew it was something. I made him tell me. He said something along the lines of, "Mia's gone" with no fucking explanation which irked me. I tightened my jaw, but managed to ask him, "What the fuck does that mean?" My bulldog looking soldier stuttered over himself when he told me, "She moved to Paris."
The message didn't sink in right away. What the hell is he talking about? She isn't out of the country. I would know about that right? Wrong. He told me she moved there for that fucking internship I got her, and he told me MY fucking sister was with her. I was bullshit. I threw my coffee machine clean across the kitchen and put a huge dent in the wall, while simultaneously smashing the thing into pieces.
Helen never mentioned France to me. I would remember if she said she was taking the girl with her overseas. She didn't tell me shit about that. And of course Mia jumped at the opportunity. My sister is an idiot and didn't even mention moving there, but that's Sophia for you. I never keep track of the girl.
She got along with Mia so quickly, they were suddenly the best of friends out of nowhere. Before Elio found out about our little flirty secret texts, and me fucking her, I figured it would be fine that the two girls were good friends. She'd be around, and it wouldn't look weird to Elio that way. After promising to stay away from her I wasn't so keen on the friendship anymore. Mia's already mixed into my best friend's world, my business partner's world, and now my family's world. The girl is fucking everywhere. She's also nowhere.
She isn't around the building anymore, and when I pop into Elio's place she isn't walking around in ridiculously small pajamas, or sending me texts she knows she shouldn't.
To curb the urge to fuck her again I hadda stay busy. Before I knew she left, I was staying busy with work and some new pussy every week. After I found out that she was gone it chafed at me differently. I started fucking a different chick daily and getting my hands dirty at work. It's not because I want her here. It just annoyed me the way she went about it. I honestly thought she'd be a little bit upset that we wouldn't be talking anymore. She's an emotional girl. When I had told her in the past that we needed to cut the shit, she was upset about it, so I just assumed this time she would do the same. Nah.
She's having the time of her life in Paris. Riccardo shows me her social media posts every week. I know what she's been up to. Her and Soph are just having a blast. And it irked me.

Roman d'amourMia Fiore has been running from dangerous men for half her life. Now that she's focused on a fashion career and finally reuniting with her brother, is meeting her brother's best friend going to put Mia right back in the hands of yet another dangerou...