I'd spent my entire weekend working for Helen. I was running all the errands she doesn't want to run herself, which meant I was doing a lot of actual running around. I had to carry like ten bags and boxes worth of gifts to a client and guest Helen was receiving. I had to organize her racks for the look book. I had to pick up dry cleaning, and make appointments for Helen. I barely had a minute to myself, and it was already Monday again. Which means I probably have a busy week too. I won't complain. I know I'm paying my dues as an intern to get to where I want to go in the future. I do have about four bandaids on my feet due to blisters, and I'm pretty tired going into the office today.When I entered the building, Helen's other assistants were moving about getting some things done. I barely got a nod from them as they passed me. "Mia, come" Helen waved me to her desk. "I got everything on the list finished," I let her know, assuming that's what she wanted from me. "I know, sit" she waved me again to join her at the desk. Nerves spiked within me, because I thought maybe I was about to get in trouble for something. "You'll never guess who I got a call from this weekend," she began, letting me ask, "Who?"
Helen's flat lips gave away no distinct expression to tell me if this was a positive or negative thing. "Lady Dupont," she announced. I tipped my head, "Cynthia?" I was surprised. "Yes. She inquired about you," she told me in segments. "Really? Why?" I couldn't fathom it.
Helen was sitting with a straight back in her chair, as she often does. Her seat is always completely rolled in. Placing her hands in front of her, she folded them and took a moment to study me. It was kind of driving me nuts, because she was dragging this out for no reason. "Just wondering what your credentials were and what I thought of you as an intern. Do you know where Mrs. Dupont works, Mia?" When she asked me I shrugged. "I have no clue."
We were momentarily interrupted when her cell phone rang. She held a finger up and answered it. What would Cynthia want with me that she'd be inquiring about me? She did make a comment right before I left the party, telling me she felt like she'd see me again. I didn't hold much weight to her words, but now I'm curious.
When Helen got off the phone she finally got straight to the point. "Cynthia Dupont is a senior fashion news writer for Vogue runway" she looked at me expectantly, knowing I would react. "What?! Really" I went wide eyed. "She's very well respected there, as you can imagine. Anyway, she inquired about you and your interests in the fashion industry. I told her what you've told me over time. I mentioned your appreciation for Vogue and she talked some things through with me. Mia, would you like to split your time up and intern for both myself and Mrs. Dupont? She said she would take you on if you were interested." My jaw dropped.
"WHAT?!" I couldn't help the volume of my voice. I hopped to my feet in total shock and excitement. "But remember, Mia, you'd have a lot of work to do between the two of us. It's not all glamor, it's also a lot of hard work" she reminded me. "Yes, I want to do it. Yes" I reiterated. Helen gave her infamous smirk, "Well then, you'll be having a sort of informal interview with the woman later this week. You can make your final decision then."
I stood there for a second in shock of all this. How have I gotten so lucky? Honestly, I know people take years and years to try and get even one tiny foot in the door. To intern at places like Vogue is so cut throat, because so many people want it and most have similar resumes. You really have to stand out and it's hard to do. It's pure luck for me, I feel like I don't even deserve this.
Meeting Dom meant meeting his associates. That's the only reason why I'm in this position in Paris, and now potentially Vogue Paris. Wow. "Mia, stay with us here. You see that pile in the back. It's all yours to sort," she chuckled at my reality check. "Right, of course, I'll get to work" I smoothed my outfit down and cleared my racing mind with a head shake. I won't lie, I spent the rest of the day just thinking about this.

RomanceMia Fiore has been running from dangerous men for half her life. Now that she's focused on a fashion career and finally reuniting with her brother, is meeting her brother's best friend going to put Mia right back in the hands of yet another dangerou...