Chapter 48

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        My hands started to tremble lightly with the pent up anger and frustration that came crashing into me once Dom brought up this topic of conversation that we'd both been avoiding. "This isn't the place for this. It's in the past anyway, so no sense in talking about it," I couldn't walk away, so I turned my head away instead. "In the past huh?" His voice was intimidating when it dropped this low. "What would you call it? I know you put in the past just days after that altercation anyways," I snorted. "Meaning?" He looked down at me from his towering frame.

"Meaning, you ignored me like I was invisible and walked off with a woman," I called him out stupidly. I shouldn't be bringing this up, but it's just pouring out of me. Everything I've been smashing down for a month now. 

"We weren't some couple, Mia. We were sexually attracted to one another, and sexually frustrated because we couldn't act on it," he crushed a little light inside my chest with those harsh words. I opened and shut my mouth.

        We just both stood there with moving chests and our stare hadn't broken off yet. Not until we were interrupted. "Mia, I think I'm just about ready to go. Dupont is drunk and bringing out a violin I doubt he can play," my boss told me. If I wasn't so mad right now I would've laughed. "Agreed. I'm over this," I said to her, but looked at him.

        The three of us started walking towards the grand stairs before I stopped short and told Helen to wait a moment. I lifted my dress and hurriedly walked over to a small group. "Darling, hello," I cut into the middle and hugged Cynthia Dupont, turning her away from the group. "Excuse us," I told them. The woman smirked. "You looked bored," I whispered to her. The woman's long slender fingers came under my chin and she tipped it up to look at her taller figure and higher face. "You are an Ange (angel)" she kissed my cheek. 

"I'm leaving," I told her. "Yes, well, I do think I'll be seeing you again one day, Miss Mia Fiore," she smiled. Something about this woman was enigmatic. Just as quickly as she appeared in my life she released me and disappeared into the crowd again.

When I went back to the staircase Helen was giving me a funny look. "What?" I asked her as we walked up. She didn't say anything until we passed through the house and got seated in our car that was waiting.

        "You do know that is Lady Dupont, don't you? You just approached her in the middle of a conversation," Helen was about to scold me. "She wanted me to," I said without explaining. My boss gave me a confused expression. "She saved me from a boring conversation earlier in the night, and I was returning the favor before I left" I clarified. "You spoke with Mrs. Dupont more than once?" Now she looked surprised. 

"Yes, we got on well" I nodded, fixing my dress and trying my best to sit as far away from Dom as possible. "That's...odd" my boss couldn't find a better word. "I told her the same, Helen. Apparently Mrs. Dupont was both friendly and quite funny with Mia here," his deep voice spoke from beside me. I was forced in the middle.

Helen didn't seem to know how to even respond to that, so she just pursed her lips then shrugged it off. The rest of the ride was either somewhat quiet or filled with Helen giving me orders about the upcoming week. "I'll return the gown and tux after I get it dry cleaned tomorrow," I told Helen as I was exiting the car once home. She nodded alright and gave us a half assed wave before pulling off.

        Dom and I walked up the two flights of stairs quietly, and I pulled the key from my clutch to unlock the door. It was a little later than I realized, and by the quiet house I assume Sophia is either out or sleeping. She slept with me in my bed last night to give Dom her bed. I peeked into my bedroom, but it was empty. Dom walked to hers, but backed out of it. "She's asleep in there" he thumbed over to her door. Why would she do that? She knows he needs a place to sleep. "Let me change. I'll go sleep with her and you take my room," I offered, walking into my room without looking at him. 

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