Chapter 73

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        I made plans with Simon to go to a photography exhibit down at the Musee d'Orsay today. He'd been excited about it, but had no one to go with, so I told him I'd definitely go with him. It's some famous photographer who I'm unfamiliar with, but he knew all about her. I decided on matching my outfit with the rent-a-bag I had this week. Yes, they're international and I love this damn app. The bag was a soft green Bottega Veneta cassette handheld bag. I paired it off with a deeper green puff sleeve top, and some off white wide leg high waist trousers. I figured we'd do a lot of walking through the exhibit, so I used my low heel sling back shoes. 

Of course, since it was sunny out I also borrowed Sophia's cat eye glasses in the perfect shade of green. She's so good about sharing clothes. She'll see me in an outfit and be like, "oh! Wait! I have the perfect thing to match this," then she comes back with something great. I guess I also do the same for her. I never had a sister, so it's fun to do this with another girl. 

I asked Sophia if she wanted to join us and see the exhibit, but she told me right to my face that it sounded like the most boring thing. I laughed and shrugged, leaving the house to meet Simon. He's gonna drive us over there.


        It ended up being a fun time. Simon explained a little bit about the woman, and why she's such an influence through the photography industry. He showed me a lot of beautiful and thought provoking photographs. I don't know too much about photography aside from when Sammi was in fashion school with me and took pictures of me for practice. She'd shown me how to take pictures of clothes for my fashion page too. Simple things though. I'm no artist. 

I asked Simon to show me his portfolio some time. Images he hasn't taken for work, but for himself in his personal time. He seems more than willing to show me. He's proud of his work. I want that level of confidence...but I haven't gotten there yet.


        Simon dropped me home after that. Digging into my bag, I grabbed my apartment key and walked up the flight of stairs that lead to my door. I jiggled the lock the way you kinda have to, so it doesn't stick. When I entered the apartment I didn't call out for Sophia because I knew she was gonna be with her male 'friend' that she's been having a fling with. Because of that I just walked in holding the mail and reading the envelope that was in French. 

We don't get much mail since we haven't forwarded this as an address, but sometimes they stick things in our door. I was trying to translate it into my mind. It's good practice. 

I screamed when I was suddenly pinned against the wall before my eyes had time to come up from the flier I'd been lowering my head to read. 

        "Dom," I gasped at the sight of him. I left him in his penthouse after an intense round of sex, and we haven't spoken since. That was over three weeks ago at this point, so I was perplexed to see him here. And to see him towering me in my own apartment. His strong arms caged me in. Since he was in a tee, all black from head to toe, his tattoos were visible to me. Those are all black too. The only colors that weren't were the blue of his eyes, the pink of his lips, and that olive Italian flesh. Everything else was dark.

        "How the hell did you get in here?!" Sophia would've warned me if she knew Dom was here. I know she would. Which means she doesn't know either. "I'm a military trained special forces soldier and a criminal. How the fuck do you think? I broke in," he deadpanned. 

"What-" I didn't get to ask a second question. "I gave you time to calm down. Now you're gonna answer me. Why did you run away from me?" I hadn't heard this gruff voice in weeks. His smooth smoky scent, like fine whiskey after it burns. It wafted around me like his thick arms did. His head he was sure to dip low. Low enough to talk right in my face. "You know why," I tried to hide my voice. It was affected by his unannounced presence. I was shaken. 

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