Chapter 23

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         I was wiping down the private rooms after the double session finished up. The shop was clearing out, I heard Cam holler that she was heading home, so was Alden. I hollered back a goodbye while finishing up, so I could sweep the main floor up front. "Need help with that?" Tatum came up behind me. "The big boss sweeping? No way" I teased him. He chuckled, but handed me a broom and took one too. I worked from front to middle and he worked from back to middle so we'd meet there. 

"Tomorrow seems like a bit of a lull day. What's up with that?" I asked him. "It happens sometimes," he shrugged. "If it's dead in here most of us probably won't be in, so I'll keep you posted on whether I need you or not. No sense in making you stand around an empty shop," he told me. Sweet. I wouldn't mind a random day off. 

When we were done cleaning up, Tatum started shutting all the lights off, as we walked out together. He checked his watch real quick and cringed. 

        "It's later than I thought," he noted. "Need to be somewhere?" He ran his fingers through his long strands. "I actually do or I would've offered you a ride," he looked apologetic. I heard a door open and shut, which made me glance back and notice Riccardo was here. "No need, I have a ride" I thumbed behind me. "Awesome. I'll let you know about tomorrow," he repeated while pulling me in for a friendly hug. He does it all the time.

For some reason with Riccardo watching it made me almost nervous that he would mention this to Dom. Not that he can tell me what to do, but I remember the day Tatum and I went out to lunch. He was mad and he told me I couldn't see him again. I'm sure he has his own opinions on how Tatum hugs me. But why would Riccardo even tell him? It's silly. 

        Once I let go of Tatum I got into the back seat of Riccardo's four door, as he went around to the front. "I didn't know you'd be here," I leaned up slightly to look at him. He glanced at me while pulling at his seatbelt to click it in. "Surprise," he said sarcastically. It made me chuckle and slide back in my seat. Before Riccardo could drive off I was confused when the back door opened again of its own accord. 

My head swiveled in its direction. I was shocked to see Kristoff there with a purple bruised face from where Dom had smashed it against a wall. "Hey, wrong car," Riccardo started to say, not seeing the man yet. "Shut up and drive," Kristoff told Riccardo. It made him snap his head back, freezing with his hands on the wheel when he saw Kristoff's face. Almost like he knew him.

"Keep your hands where I can see them and drive," he ordered again. This time shoving something into my side. When I gasped Riccardo tried turning around, so Kristoff made it better known what he had with him. A gun. "Since you're fella loves gunplay so much I went and grabbed my own," the psycho told me. I immediately began to tremble. "Kristoff, don't do this" I begged him. "Drive," he ordered Riccardo, ignoring me. 

        Feeling that cold metal against my ribs had me sucking in air to calm my nerves and the tears that were forming. I've never been held at gunpoint before, and I'm afraid. Terrified. "Alright, where do you want me to drive? Just calm down," Riccardo tried to take hold of the situation. Kristoff rattled off some names and Riccardo began to move. How is this happening?

I knew Kristoff had a gun years ago, when I was with him in the back room of the strip club counting all his money outside the safe. I never thought he'd use one against me though. Dom pissed him off and embarrassed him. Now he is going to take it out on me.

"Please don't kill me," I sniffled. Kristoff looked down at me and rubbed my hair out of my face. "Oh baby, I don't wanna do that. I want you to come back with me. How many times have I already told you that?" He rubbed my hair again and made me shiver in disgust. "Then put the gun away," I asked him. 

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