Chapter 59

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         I'd been running myself ragged lately between working for Helen Barton and Cynthia Dupont. Joining meetings, going to pull looks for clients, transporting clothes for go-sees or shoots, shadowing Cynthia, shadowing Helen, taking notes, cleaning up, going, going, going. It's what I wanted. I can't complain, but I have to at least acknowledge the toll it takes on a person to handle this much, constantly. I'm juggling two jobs that usually are a handful on their own, so just imagine. I've been alongside Cynthia for Dolce and Gabbana putting their mainline collection on the runway. It was this whole article, and I got to sit on the sidelines behind the scenes to take notes for Cynthia. 

Today is one of those days when all this hard work pays off. 

Cynthia Dupont is taking one writer and one intern to London for Vogue's articles on the new Fendi collection and the British fashion awards/ Designer Guild awards. It's an incredible opportunity and somehow, by some miracle, she chose me as the intern to go. I thought it was unfair to Celine and the others because I'm so new, but Cynthia wants to test me out a little bit.

This is the payoff for working as hard as I've been. I'm addicted to this feeling of exhilaration whenever I get good news, or find out who we'll meet, or where we'll work next. I'm in the middle of living out my dream job. It's not the future, it's here and now.

         I was also so excited to see London for the first time. We'll be there for five days. Two days of crazy prep and behind the scenes stuff, one day Fendi show, one day British awards, one day Guild awards, and then we leave first thing in the morning. Early. It's a perfect short flight too. Under two hours to fly from one point to the other. Sophia was jealous that I was getting to go to all these awesome things, but she'll obviously be staying behind in Paris. It's not even a week we'll be apart, but it's the first time we aren't together in two months since moving. Crazy how time is flying. 

Helen had called this a trail run and I passed with flying colors. She was generous enough to give me these 5 days off from interning, so I could go to London with Cynthia. I'm building up quite the resume with the experience I've been getting. I've been thrown into the Fashion industry and I haven't stopped once.


        London is well known for tourist attractions like Big Ben and the London eye. They're known for their red phone booths and double decker buses. It can be gray and rainy pretty often, but summer in London means more sunshine than usual. Our first day here we had a few hours to ourselves to look around. Myself and the writer Cynthia had brought along, decided to go explore it together, even though we don't really know each other. Still we took our tourist pictures and walked through a lot of this cool city. Buckingham palace was too far from this location for us to walk there, so maybe another time or in passing to the events this week.

 Cynthia only told us to meet her promptly at 2pm at a location she pinned and sent to us. Where she is right now, I don't know. 

        When the magazine does articles like 'a look inside the Fendi Runway show' it means we go behind the scenes, we see what's going on with the movement of the models and the stylists, and we look at the clothes. Then we go out to the show and watch that too. We give this behind the scenes vibe. Or at least they do when they write. I'm not a writer. I'm here as the intern that does the grunt work for Cynthia. We have some meetings to attend today, and that's really all I know about it so far.

        With major events like these you aren't just seeing the clothes. The guests are important people. Other designers, other magazine people, and celebrities of all kinds. Famous stylists or photographers. Just any major name in the fashion industry as a whole. One errand I know I have to run tomorrow is going across town to pick up our gowns for the award ceremonies which were selected by Cynthia herself. All by designers she'll be representing on the red carpet.

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