Chapter 21

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        "Fine, don't tell him, but you're gonna tell me. Do I have to worry about this guy?" Dom's hand came to my waist, and he held me in front of him. His hands on me, set fire inside me, no matter how frightened I am. "No. You scared him off. It's done" I shook my head. Dom released a heavy sigh. "If he ever fucks with you again I want you to call me," he told me. I just nodded so he'd end it. 

"Can I have a glass of water?" I asked. My mouth has felt so dry since the second Kristoff reappeared in my life. He nodded and guided me to the kitchen. When we got there he surprised me when he grabbed my waist and lifted me to sit on the counter. I pulled my skirt down a bit because my thighs were fully out. He glanced at them, but turned away to grab the glass. 

        After he handed it to me he stayed standing in front of me, with his hands on either side of the counter where I sat. Our faces lined up this way. He noticed my trembling hand and his expression hardened again. "Just say the word and he'll be handled," he told me. My eyes went wide. "No, just drop it," I shook my head. I don't even want to know what 'handled' meant in his book.

I placed the glass down which left nothing between us. I was sitting on his counter, with hands on either side of me it made his body naturally lean slightly forward. The sides of his fingers could be felt against my flesh from where he caged me in close. Dom took his lip into his mouth, as he looked at me from beret down to the boots he'd given me. His hand came to my leg and lightly glided down to lift the boot up enough for him to see. When his hands were removed it was done slowly, so that his flesh touched mine longer than it needed too. 

        My core heated and my legs broke out in goosebumps from his contact with me. "I'm sorry I interrupted your date," I whispered. His eyes looked down at my mouth, then back at me. "Doesn't matter. It was nothing," he dismissed the topic. I wanted to know who she was though. It didn't leave a good feeling in my gut when I saw him touching her. "It didn't look like 'nothing'." 

He studied my face, but didn't respond to me. When I looked away from him, his warm rough hands came down on both my thighs, rubbing up until the hem of my skirt where he stopped himself. I couldn't breathe. I looked down at his tattooed hands flat against my flawless skin in contrast. He slid them up my thighs, but stopped after that. He hasn't removed them since. 

          His grip lightly tightened during the tension of this moment. Then I remembered how his hands had been on that woman's leg. He had it halfway up her dress. I quickly pulled his hands away, which made him furrow his brows at me. "You were just touching someone else that way. Don't just hop onto me next," I looked away from him again, because I couldn't move from this countertop. It's the only thing I could do to distance myself. Turning my head left my neck open to him. I stiffened when I felt him lean forward and lightly brush his nose up the length of my throat. 

"I need you to step away, Mia," he told me in a low gruff voice. "Why?" I asked. "Because I don't have the discipline to do it myself," he spoke against my neck, though he hadn't touched me yet. Not really. Even just the brushing of his nose, the feathering of his mouth this close to my throat had me dizzy with total and utter want for him. A desire so strong it could sweep me away completely. "And if I don't?" I asked in a soft voice that was obviously affected by his closeness.

        "Then I'll do something we'll both regret later" he told me. It sobered me up some. "Why regret?" He sighed and pulled his face away from my neck. "I already told you that I couldn't pursue this," he huffed at me like it was inconvenient for him to have to always bring this up. But isn't it him who sat me here? Isn't it him who's touching me? 

"Then why are you here?" I asked him. He looked down at me seated in front of him, and clenched his jaw. Shaking his head he took a second before answering. "I already told you that too. I lack self control," he turned his head away from me. My hands had a mind of their own and came down on his chest. His eyes snapped down to them and I felt his muscles firm up beneath my touch. 

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