Chapter 34

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        I knew this was a rare and unique opportunity to get a glimpse into the lives of the elite, and network with people I could potentially work for some day. Or who could befriend me and lead me to the kind of people I want to work for. Dom told me he knew some people, though he hasn't specified on who. I've never been so nervous to attend a party before. Dom is doing me a huge favor, and I am glad Elio agreed to it. It shows me he takes my dream of a career in fashion seriously. Something my father did not do. 

I'd chosen this gown because it was elegant, but had small details like the slit in my leg, and the cut out back that made it less stuffy. The sparkle of the dark fabric was mainly to make me stand out in a well lit venue. Just by the location I knew the place would be impressive. And it was. 

        Upon arrival you'd think you were walking into a wedding or something. Everything was so elegant and over done. It's a black tie event, so the outfits were immaculate and the people held their heads high with confidence. They laughed and partied the way I envisioned socialites do. Everyone feels self important. You can tell when you scan the room. 

The girl whose party this is for is named Madison Russell. She's the daughter of Dom's associate. The girl had a pointed nose, small chin, and carried herself with poise. Poise was my nice way of putting it. She looked bitchy. She greeted Dom too comfortably, which made me wonder the nature of their actual relationship.

        Of course I said nothing about it. I was barely even taking in the details of this party. I was so focused on scanning faces to see if I recognized anyone of importance. I know the room hosted a lot of elegant decorum. I know friends of friends would come say hello to Dom and the men would try to impress him and the women would try to touch him. It all blurred into one another as I waited for the networking to begin. I want this so bad. I want to be in the fashion world.

"Mia," I felt Dom's warm hand at the small of my back. When I glanced up at him from my perfectly curled lashes, that I spent a good amount of time on, he scanned my face with those gorgeous blue eyes. "Relax," he reminded me. 

"I just want to make a good impression" I told him with a sigh. "And you will, but not if you're zoned out and nervous. You haven't looked at a single thing in here" he pointed out. I blushed though you can't see it through my perfectly placed makeup. "Let's get you a drink" he decided, leading me to the side of the venue that had a very long mahogany bar. The liquor behind the bartenders almost glowed with the way the light was set to illuminate from beneath them.

        "One of my friends is a woman named Helen Barton. She's a stylist and as far as I know she's worked with some designers and magazines I think you'd find impressive. I know you have an infatuation with Vogue" he told me, which made my eyes snap up to his. How does he even know that? I guess when he took me to dinner that one time I was rambling about a lot of things. I had mentioned my dream of working as a Vogue stylist, and eventually becoming a designer to make my own clothing. I guess he listened. 

For some reason I was surprised he had. He always appears so disinterested, you'd think he wasn't absorbing the information in the slightest. "Helen Barton" I repeated quietly to myself. "You should have told me. You didn't mention her, so I didn't look a single thing up about her," I got nervous again. 

        Dom grabbed my chin forcing my eyes to focus on him and my hands to stop fidgeting. "I didn't know she'd be here, but I just spotted her across the room. You don't need to know anything about her. This isn't an interview. I'm gonna talk you up and let her get curious about you, not the other way around. Alright?" He was so calm and stoic. I can see why he's good in the world of business. The way he carries himself makes you want to know him and impress him without knowing why you even want to do that.

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