Chapter 67

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        After an unexpected big thunder storm my flight was delayed ten hours, and then canceled altogether. Cynthia had flown ahead of us, so it was me, Celine, and Simon who I didn't know was actually coming to NYFW with his company. We ended up all stuck in the terminal together trying to entertain ourselves with games, talking, naps and snacks. When we did finally get a plane it was late at night here, but we are going back 6 hours in time, so it won't be as late there when we land. Traveling is always exhausting. Something about waiting around an airport for ten plus hours is exhausting. 

Celine and I were seated together on the flight and we met back up with Simon when we went to go find our missing luggage. It took off on one plane and we took off on another, so we needed to find the baggage claim number it went to. 

After all that chaotic nonsense it was already late here in America. My body clock is so screwed up in confusion of what day and time it's supposed to be in right now. Since we're in New York I obviously didn't book a hotel room with Cynthia's group. I was just going home and they're going their separate ways for now.

        I chuckled when I saw Riccardo with a sign. It's like a flashback of months ago flying from Los Angeles to New York for the first time. I'd found this random man with hair slicked back and bulldog arms. I remember being so fascinated and curious about what was to come, where I'd be living, and of course Elio's mysterious best friend Domani De Luca. "Hey there," I nudged the sign when I got to Riccardo. He was obviously kidding about that. "Deja vu?" He asked. 

I nodded yes, but a lot is different about me and my life. First of all, I don't have a half broken clunky luggage bag that wouldn't roll properly. I'm also actively going to avoid the man I'd been so curious about when first moving to New York. But me as a person is different. I've blossomed in Paris.

        Living with a woman, and no men, really helped me cure myself of the habit my father instilled in me as my survival mechanism. I had to tiptoe around, and I'd hide a lot to be out of sight. With Kristoff, it was the same thing. He was abusive and angry a lot. When I had a dorm in college, and even when I lived with a group of friends in a god awful apartment, it never cured me of that habit. I still tiptoed around a lot, never wanting to bother anyone or get in their way.

When I moved in with Elio I'd still hide out sometimes for various reasons. To hide from Dom or when Elio was mad at me. Living with Sophia's been so refreshing for my psyche. I'm comfortable in my living space, and I don't dull my own shine to inflate the shine of someone else. I've been working my dream job and meeting interesting new people. I'm gaining experiences I thought I never would.

 And I'm pretty good at being an intern, because Cynthia's favored me and given me opportunities I normally wouldn't have gotten. Helen's even admitted that we work well together too. I'm in my element there.

        "How was the flight? I assume it was rough since your brother told me you were delayed so many hours. I was meant to pick you up earlier, so he informed me of the changes," he explained, as he shoved my luggage into the trunk. I went to sit in the back, but said fuck it, and went into the front seat. He hesitated a moment, but then he just drove off. 

Riccardo asked me a few questions about life in Paris, my job, and what I was gonna be up to here. I talked for a good majority of the ride, then we got close to the Hudson Yards, and that skyscraper became visible to me again. Tinted glass in odd shapes to make up the building that looms over us now that we're close.

        I remember how surprised I was because of how luxurious it looked, and shocked that Elio could suddenly afford all this. I was suspicious from day one, but now I know the truth. My brother can afford this because he's a mobster. "Is Elio home?" I decided to ask since he didn't pick me up himself. "Mmm, I'm not sure" he shrugged. He still wears ill fitting suits. I should tailor one for him to see how he likes it.

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