Chapter 2- Alice Academy

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The Siren: Chapter 2-  Alice Academy?

Calliope's PoV:

"Calliope-chan, hurry up!"

The girl with the brown hair tied in a pigtail runs at full speed with her friend, as they are both in a hurry after learning that Hotaru was leaving the village.

"Why the hell didn't she even tell us?" The friend said  panting from the intense pace of the run.

They continue running at a high speed, desperate to ensure that they arrive before Hotaru leaves the village,


The girl with brown hair runs towards Hotaru, who has short black hair.

"Mikan, Lippe..."

Hotaru says humbly, and suddenly Mikan jumps high and kicks Hotaru in the foot using a big spatula. Hotaru slaps her back with the spatula, earning 50 points and leaving Mikan with no points.

"I don't have much time right now..." Hotaru says, staring at them as if to dare them to keep arguing with her. The girl with the brown hair, Calliope, opens her lips...

"Hotaru-Chan The letter we received from you..."

Calliope, avoiding eye contact Hotaru, said nervously. The letter stated that Hotaru is going to a far away school and is leaving today. Mikan comments in disbelief and states that the letter also mentioned that Hotaru is transferring to an all-in-one K-12 Escalator school.

Hotaru confirms this and further states that it is the truth. Mikan and Calliope stare at Hotaru in shock, as their dear friend and neighbor is preparing to leave them for a new educational opportunity....

"Don't tell me such important things using something like turtle-mail," Mikan says.

"If I had told you ahead of time, you would have been very loud about it," Hotaru responds.

"Of course we would, Hotaru-chan," Calliope agrees with Mikan. "We are your friends, right?"

"I know..." Hotaru says, "but if I did that, then I would have to put up with Mikan sobbing and bawling at me every day."

"Resting on your laurels above people's love and concern for you...! Hotaru, you stupid idiot! You blockhead," Mikan says angrily.

The tears appear in her eyes, "How could you have stayed silent about something as important as this?!"

"Whaaaa! Nuk! Whaaa! Hik! Hik! Hik!" Mikan sobs uncontrollably.

"Mikan..." Hotaru says. "This isn't anything to cry about. We can write a letter to Hotaru," Calliope says, attempting to console her beloved friend and neighbor.

 "It's like we won't ever see each other again and I'll come back here during summer and winter vacations and we can write a letter right?" Hotaru says

"But Hotaru...," Mikan says with a nervous smile.

"I'll give you this turtle," Hotaru says, patting Mikan on the head. 

"It's about time to leave," the man agreed, and Hotaru nodded and got into the car with him.

Mikan says angrily, "Stupid Hotaru...Huk!"

Hotaru does not respond to Mikan's insults, and instead, settles down in the car. The car begins to move and the two friends say their final goodbyes. Mikan turns away, trying to hold back her tears, and watches the car as it disappears.

"Mikan...," says Calliope as she comforts Mikan, "definitely we will meet Hotaru again."

Calliope hugs Mikan, holding her close and reassuring her that everything will be alright. She tries to make Mikan feel better, and gives her a warm smile.

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