Chapter 22 - Haunted House

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Calliope PoV:

We were all gathered around a table at the cafe, listening to Mikan's grumbling stomach as it let out a low growl. She clutched her stomach, lamenting her hunger.

Natsume, sitting across from her, shot her an irritated glare and retorted, "Keep your stomach quiet over there." His arms were crossed, and he looked incredibly handsome in that position.

As I observed Natsume, I couldn't help but admire the way the author of Gakuen Alice had crafted his character. He resembled a handsome sculpture, but his personality could be quite taxing at times.

Anna gracefully approached with a tray of tea, placing it on our table.

Mikan's spirits lifted as she exclaimed, "Here it comes!"

"Anna has the cooking alice!!" Mikan proclaimed, excitement evident in her voice.

As I joined the conversation, I awkwardly expressed my admiration, "That's amazing..." I spared a quick glance at Natsume and Ruka, who both sported expressions: Natsume's annoyed and Ruka's hesitant to upset Anna.

"We know that..." Ruka chimed in, his voice tinged with resignation.

With a sense of intrigue, I eagerly anticipated the food as Anna placed the plate before us. My face betrayed a mixture of excitement and trepidation as I cast a skeptical glance at the dish.

Anna declared proudly, "This is my banana pie!"

"Wow, it looks delicious," I replied, masking my inner thoughts with an attempt at enthusiasm.

Internally, I questioned the safety of the food, my mind consumed with doubt.

"Please enjoy it with a cup of tropical melting tea," Anna said, beginning to pour into everyone's cups. We all reached out to take a slice of mysterious banna pie

Holding my slice of banana pie, my stomach churned with nausea as I noticed something strange inside it.

"Ittadakimasu!" Mikan declared, preparing to take a bite. But before she could do so, something splashed across her face.

We all gasped in shock, and then I saw Natsume holding the tea pot, his expression somewhat stern.

He dropped the teapot and stood up, stating firmly, "Let's go." Without further explanation, he walked away.

Mikan's voice rang out, scolding Natsume, "What the heck was that for?! Apologize, you idiot! Anna worked hard to make this pie!!"

Without giving it a second thought, I stood up and sprinted after Natsume, intent on catching up to him.

"Mikan..," I muttered under my breath as I started running towards him.

"Hyuuga-kun!" I called out, and he halted in his tracks, turning around to face me. As I tripped, he swiftly caught me and my body naturally leaned into his shoulders.

"Stupid," he muttered, as I adjusted my position, finally standing upright.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and I couldn't help but think, 'So embarrassing.'

I hurried to catch up to him and walked alongside him, beginning a conversation.

"Thank you," I said, and he came to a stop, turning to look at me with a puzzled expression.

"For what?" he asked, his expression laced with bewilderment.

"For saving Mikan. If she had eaten that pie, she would have had a stomachache for ninety-nine years," I explained.

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