Chapter 44 - Flower Princess

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The car traveled to Hanahimeden, and Shizune cast a displeased glance at the group.

"Greetings," she stated, her voice cool. "I will guide you from here. Thank you, Sensei, and the rest, for escorting them here."

She says as he introduce herself, "I am Kakitsubata (Iris flower). I am a third year high school student at Yamanouchi, and I am engaged to the position of the leading princess of the Hanazonokai. I look forward to today's event."

As she looked down to Hotaru

"it was been a while Imai I'm glad you've come here after that incident are you feeling alright?" Shizune asked

"Yes, I apologize for making you worry." Hotaru responded.

Shizune's then gaze lingered on Natsume, with displeasure evident in her expression.

"It's rather unusual to see you in a place like this," she began. "Running away from events like this and even going so far as to displease Hii-sama. I wonder what changed this time."

Then She then took out a camera and snapped a photo of Natsume from the front, leaving everyone present silently dumbfounded.

Shizune explained that the photo would contribute to the funds for their ability class made natsume furious.

Meanwhile, Narumi and Tsubasa stood awkwardly behind the children, looking uncomfortable.

"Well then, we'll be going," Tsubasa chuckled nervously. "Eh? You're leaving already? Stay a bit longer--" Mikan started to speak, but her words were abruptly cut off as the gate to Hanahime-den slammed shut in front of Narumi and Tsubasa.

"Your arrival has been much awaited by Hii-sama" Shizune stated as they went through the thick crowd upon entering the Hanahime-den, heading to the stairs. Mikan was so amazed by the aura that the new year's celebration party had that she couldn't keep her mouth from opening ajar.

As they went up the stairs, the guests started gossiping among themselves upon the five guests entrance. They were shocked to see Natsume attending the party and were irritated that such a plain girl like Mikan won the selection ball.

Beside Natsume, Calliope stood elegantly, her nightsky kimono sparkling under the lights. Her pale face shone brilliantly under the spotlight.

The guests at the party couldn't help but feel envious of Calliope's appearance, as she exuded an air of beauty that resembled that of a dazzling flower.

As some people noticed Hotaru, they gasped, recognizing her as the rumored genius and beauty.

"Ah, look! It's that girl, Imai Hotaru, the one who won the 'rookie' prize!" exclaimed one girl.

Ruka also attracted attention due to his cute appearance, and some even mistook him for a girl. He felt a mix of embarrassment and annoyance at the comments directed his way.

Haru, the Prince of Destruction, attracted glances from the girls at the event. Girls flocked around him, capturing photos of his charming appearance. He sweatdropped and sighed in embarrassment, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the attention.

Calliope and Natsume climbed the stairs together as calliope spotted Misaki among the crowd and cheerfully waved at her. Calliope's gaze then shifted to Nobara.



Nobara squealed with excitement when she saw Calliope but instantly grew pale upon spotting Natsume.

"Calliope-chan, stop Natsume!" she cried out loudly, hoping that Calliope would hear her plea.

"Natsume must not come here! He can't come here right now!" Nobara exclaimed anxiously, her voice filled with urgency.

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