Chapter 13 - Central Town

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A hazy vision materializes: a backdrop of flickering flames surrounds a girl, her voice shaky as she whispers to the boy beside her.
With a bitter smile, she utters, "I'll wait for you..." A single tear rolls down her cheek. The boy, hair as black as the surrounding inferno, stands frozen, rendered speechless, grappling with whether to reciprocate her words or remain silent.

As their surroundings burned.


Entering the bustling classroom, Calliope pondered the strange dream that had just unfolded in her mind, dismissing it as mere fantasy.

Amid the commotion, Mikan rushed over to Calliope, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "Have you been paid yet? Today's the day!" she asked eagerly. With a polite nod from Calliope, they both began discussing plans.

"Let's head to the central town for a date!" Mikan suggested, her enthusiasm contagious. Calliope couldn't help but smile in agreement.

Calliope's heart fluttered with excitement as she considered her plans—a shopping spree with Mikan and hotaru, and maybe even the class rep. She glanced around, feeling the weight of someone's gaze upon her. To her surprise, she saw Natsume sitting nearby with a child.

The young boy locked eyes with Calliope, his gaze filled with curiosity.

"Pretty Onee-chan," he said, his tiny voice sending a warm shiver down her spine. Intrigued, the child reached out his small hand to calliope.

As the boy reached out to Calliope and snuggled into her lap, she couldn't help but notice the wide-eyed expressions on Natsume and Ruka's faces.

Ruka asked, her voice tinged with disbelief, "Calliope-chan, do you know him?" The boy continued to cling to Calliope, his tiny fingers clutching her clothes tightly.

With the help of her speech device, Calliope replied, her voice barely audible. "I've seen him get picked up by his classmates before," she explained. "I felt like he didn’t want anyone to pick him up, so I helped him a little."

"But speaking of names," Calliope continued, "What's your name, darling?" The child replied with a mischievous smile and sparkling eyes. "Yoichi," he said.

As Calliope praised Yoichi's name, his cheeks flushed crimson. With a wide smile, she couldn't help but compliment his adorability in her mind, thinking, "E-ekk, so cute!" Meanwhile, Mikan and the class rep suddenly appeared on their knees, their faces filled with excitement. Curiously, Calliope glanced at the flag they held.

< Come to Central Town >

< Have mercy >

< I beg of you!!>

After reading the flag, Calliope couldn't help but sweatdrop at its contents. Mikan pleaded to Ruka for a shopping trip to the central town, explaining that she needed her partner as per Jino-sensei's instructions.

As Ruka remained motionless, Mikan gaze fixed on the child in Calliope's lap.

"Wahh! Who's this child Is she your? I never know you had an hidden child why didn't you not tell me!!" she said with panic

Calliope responded with a stoic expression, amused by Mikan's wild conclusion. "Mikan-chan, how do you imagine I could have a child at this age?" she queried, a hint of disbelief in her tone.

Mikan pouted in response, her realization finally sinking in. "Oh, right," she replied, acknowledging the absurdity of her assumption. Undeterred, Mikan persisted in pleading with Ruka, her desperation growing with each passing moment.


Calliope decided to take a stroll through the forest, the atmosphere invigorating her adventurous spirit. As she wandered deeper into the woods, she encountered Haru, sketching under the shade of a tree.

"Haru?" Calliope called out to him, breaking the tranquility of the forest. In response, Haru lifted his head, surprised but pleasantly so at her unexpected arrival.

Upon reaching his side, Calliope discovered a parchment filled with stunning sketches of the forest's mesmerizing landscapes. "You're quite talented at drawing," Calliope praised him with admiration.

As Haru shared that sketching was a pastime he cherished when seeking solitude, Calliope's curiosity was piqued. With a smile, he handed over the sketchbook for her to explore.

Flipping through the pages, Calliope was astonished by the exceptional artistry that graced the sketches. "Your talent is incredible," she complimented him, a sense of awe filling her words.

As a playful suggestion, Calliope grinned and declared, "Hey, I could be your muse!" Calliope tease

Inspired by Calliope’s playful remark, Haru couldn't help but feel a twinge of intrigue. A rare smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"You want to be my muse?" he questioned, skepticism laced in his tone. He pondered the idea for a moment, the gears in his head ticking as he attempted to process the proposal.

As Calliope jokingly wondered aloud if anyone would desire a drawing of her, Haru responded with a soft mumble. His voice barely above a whisper, he said,

"Then am I?"

The question lingered in the air, an unspoken admission of his own desire. Despite his subtle tone, the weight of his words conveyed a hidden longing—a silent acknowledgment of the connection between them.

Calliope's brow furrowed in confusion as she caught the echo of Haru's mumbled words. "Huh?" she inquired, seeking clarification.

In response, Haru hastily retracted his statement, dismissing it with a curt "nothing." Despite the apparent denial, a faint blush painted his cheeks, betraying the truth behind his words.

To Be Continued~
Author: Oh, I'm sorry this chapter is short,

Thankyou for reading 💖

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