Chapter 4- Protect Them

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Chapter 4- If I Can Stay I Will Protect Them

"Stop it, everyone!" the class rep says with a worried look. "How could you do such a thing to someone who can't defend herself? Make him stop, Natsume! Alices shouldn't be used for something like this!"

"Oh, there's no need to stop," a perm-hair boy says, sounding unbothered by the situation.

"She's right," another student says, agreeing with the perm-hair girl. "Even if everyone else forgives the girl, as members of the Natsume and Ruka Fan Club, we won't!"

"Let her down," Natsume says, finally having some mercy on Mikan.

"Wow, Natsume, I didn't know you had that kind of kindness in you," one of the students says, sounding surprised and impressed by Natsume's actions.

"Agreed," another says, also agreeing with the club president.

The class rep rushes to Mikan's side and asks if she's alright, while also expressing curiosity about her Alice.

"Hey, Polka-dots. What's your Alice?"Natsume asked

"Eh, what the..? What's with these kids and him?" Mikan thinks to herself, feeling confused and overwhelmed by all of the attention and action going on around her.

"Bleh! I'm not telling you anything!" Mikan says, refusing to go along with the crowd and give them what they want so easily.

"Why you!" The bully lifted her again now she is lifted into the air once again, feeling frustrated at being picked on by everyone. " hey I said, let me down!" She yells, demanding the bullies to put her down already.

"Stop! You shouldn't be using your Alice like this! You could even get expelled!" the class rep says, sounding more serious now.

"Eh, expelled? Fine by me! I'd be happy to leave this damn school!" one of the bully whose lifting mikan sounding rude and uncaring.

"It's true, you know! All the adults want to use our power for their own personal benefit! It's all a big, bloody lie!" another says.

Mikan continues to watch the conversation unfold, feeling slightly anxious and stressed out by it all.

"But I won't ever use my Alice to bully people!" the class rep says, expressing her strong resolve to not misuse her powers against others.

"Stupid goody-two-shoes get lost!" one of the students says, still being mean to her.

The bullies push the class rep, causing her to fall to the ground.

Calliope, who is fed up with the situation and has had enough, walks over to Natsume 

"Stop it."

Natsume looks surprised to hear  by Caliope.

"Y-you are the girl with the polka dot underwear," Natsume says, remembering the encounter he and Mikan had earlier.

"Uhm yeah.. then?"

"HEY! HOW COULD YOU SAID THAT TO NATSUME!" The one with permy hair shouts, upset that anyone would say that to the one they consider to be their favorite celebrity.

"STOP IT! I will say whatever I want to say," Caliope says confidently, standing up for herself and continuing to defend Mikan, and then "Hey, you nasty Fox, stop it!" Caliope says, taunting one of the students for being so nasty.

"How dare you say that to Natsume?!" another one shouts, feeling offended on Natsume's behalf.

"You're so noisy." Caliope says to them, telling them how noisy they are being.

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