Chapter 17 - RPG Aladdin And The Magic Lamp

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Siren Song: Chapter 17 - RPG Aladdin And The Magic Lamp!

Mikan entered the special ability area, her brown locks framing her face and her brown eyes sparkling with determination.

Dressed in a chic pink outfit consisting of slacks and a cropped top, Mikan sported a shark necklace elegantly wrapped around her neck. Her brown locks were gathered into a ponytail, revealing her carefree style.

Her choice of footwear caught attention, as she donned a pair of pastel pink slippers, adding a touch of whimsical charm to her appearance.

Calliope trailed close behind Mikan, her hand gripping Mikan's tightly as they arrived at the Special Ability Division.

The rabbit-masked figure walked alongside Mikan, adorned in her usual outfit. She sported a black cardigan layered over a crisp white collared, long-sleeved shirt, and paired it with a plaid red mini-skirt. Her uniform-like attire was complemented by knee-length black boots, and she had a device discreetly placed in her ear.

As they entered the Special Ability Division, Mikan's voice rang out, drawing the attention of those nearby.

Mikan enthusiastically announced their arrival, her voice carrying across the room.

"Tsubasa-senpai! We're here!" she exclaimed.

Tsubasa turned towards them, a warm smile on his face as he approached. He directed his attention to Calliope, a hint of curiosity in his gaze.

"Why didn't you dress up your on special ability class?" he inquired, his tone holding a touch of concern.

Calliope responded with a saddened expression, her head slightly lowered.

"Ah, I don't have appropriate clothes..." she answered hesitantly.

Tsubasa-senpai exclaimed in realization, realizing his oversight regarding Calliope's outfit.

"Oh no, I completely forgot!" he exclaimed, running frantically towards the dressing room in search of suitable attire for her.

Calliope couldn't help but giggle and smile at Tsubasa-senpai's frantic behavior, touched that they had not forgotten about her.

Mikan, sensing Calliope's happiness, gently grabbed her hand, offering silent support and companionship.

Mikan's excitement was evident as she requested enthusiastically, "Calliope, let me dress you up!" Her beam sparkling eyes radiated joy.

Calliope was taken aback, perplexed by Mikan's request. Nevertheless, she agreed gracefully, nodding her head.

After a few moments, Mikan had finished dressing up Calliope.

"Ah... I think I got a bit carried away..." Calliope mused, a bead of sweat trickling down her forehead.

In her genie-inspired attire, Calliope held an orange veil in her hand, the sheer and revealing dark orange clothing accentuating her figure. A cropped top and genie pants were her chosen bottoms, paired with dark red slippers.

Calliope's hair was braided, secured by a pink ferronnière on her head. Instead of her usual rabbit mask, she sported a genie face veil, completing her mystical look.

When she removed the veil and looked in the mirror, Calliope was shocked at her appearance. The revealing clothing made her feel embarrassed and self-conscious.

Mikan showered Calliope with compliments, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

"You look soooo prettyyyy!" she exclaimed, her excitement evident.

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