Chapter 40 - That's a Kiss

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Calliope's mind raced as she sought to maintain her dignity, repeating to herself that it wasn't a kiss since their lips didn't actually touch.

In defiance, she shot back at Natsume, her voice filled with frustration. "It's not a kiss! Our lips didn't even touch!"

With a frown, Natsume raised his thumb, revealing a trickle of blood, and scoffed, "What kind of kiss is that?"

"It was a tooth accident or whatever!" she declared, her words laden with a touch of defensiveness.

Natsume's annoyance morphed into disappointment as he wiped the trickle of blood on his lips, his voice carrying a hint of frustration. "A tooth accident? What kind of bullshit is that you bunny girl!"

Natsume stood up, a mix of annoyance and indignation flashing across his face. The murmurs from the surrounding crowd only added to the mounting tension. He made his way through the throng, his exit accompanied by whispers and curious glances.

Calliope stood amidst her friends, their concerned gazes weighing heavily on her. She couldn't help but feel deeply embarrassed about the incident.

"In the quiet corner, Calliope caught her breath, her embarrassment still palpable. The realization struck her that the scene had taken a turn from its intended course. The original scenario had called for Mikan and Natsume to accidentally kiss, but fate had intervened, replacing them with her own unexpected encounter.

As she reflected on the circumstances, a bittersweet realization dawned upon her. The likelihood of Natsume developing feelings for her seemed slim, if not entirely unlikely. Perhaps it was nothing more than a fanciful delusion, a dream disconnected from reality.

Calliope muttered to herself, her breath heavy with the weight of embarrassment. "Ugh, how embarrassing!"

" there's no way Natsume would ever like me—that's pure delusion on my part."

Calliope sighed, acknowledging the desire to stick closely to the story's intended course without disrupting the main character's love interest. She understood that Natsume's heart undoubtedly belonged to Mikan, and she didn't wish to interfere with that narrative.

Confident in her belief, Calliope resolved to let the story unfold naturally, ensuring that Natsume's affection remained steadfastly directed toward Mikan.

The sound of whispers carried through the air, catching Calliope's attention. As she listened intently, her ears picked up on the snippet of conversation between two individuals.

"Did you see that Natsume-kun had an accidental kiss with his partner? I think her name is Miyamizu!"

The girls' voices dripped with derision and mockery as they discussed her. "Ha, her? She's just an elementalist," one girl scoffed, "does she really think that by sticking with Natsume, he'll develop feelings for her too? It's laughable!"

The girls continued maliciously, their laughter filling the air. "She's pretty, but without her looks, she's nothing, just a pushover."

Each word stung like a needle, piercing through Calliope's heart. She felt her confidence crumbling, their insults echoing loudly in her mind.

Calliope wondered why the girls' comments had hit her so hard. She had endured insults before, but this time, the words felt especially harsh and cutting. "Why does it hurt so much?" she thought. The girls' insults dug deep, stirring a mix of confusion and hurt in her heart. Was it all because of her face, or was there more behind their resentment? Feeling overwhelmed, Calliope hid further, trying to shield herself from the girls' biting words.

Calliope took a deep breath, reminding herself that she was an adult. She didn't want to stoop to the level of children and engage in unnecessary confrontations. Being 20 years old, she was wiser and more mature. Her natural inclination was kindness, especially toward younger individuals.

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