Chapter 23 - Snow White With The Sleeping a Forest

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The Siren What To Live Quietly: Chapter 23 - Raise The Curtain Of The New Role Play!

"GET OUT! I TOLD YOU GUYS NOT TO COME!!!" Ruka shouted, his cute visage betraying his anger, his cheeks flushed with a red hue.

Just then, there was a sudden flash, and we all saw Hotaru holding a camera.

"DON'T YOU DARE TAKE A PICTURE!" Ruka exclaimed, desperation lacing his words. "Hotaru, give me that camera!"

Suddenly, a man's voice interjected, "Ah, I was wondering what all the commotion was. It's you guys."

We turned around and saw Narumi, standing near the door with director outfit.

Koko extended a plate of sweets towards Narumi, her voice cheerful and enthusiastic. "Mr. Narumi, we came to wish you a successful performance. Here, these snacks are for you."

Narumi smiled gratefully at Koko. "Thank you, Koko-chan."

Suddenly, Mikan sprinted towards Ruka, a playful glint in her eyes. "Wow, you look so convincing as a girl. Can I take a picture with you, Ruka-pyon?"

Ruka's eyes widened in surprise as Mikan attempted to sneak his dress.

Ruka's face contorted in anger as he snapped back at Mikan. "Shut up!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with annoyance, before storming away.

Mikan appeared unfazed by Ruka's behavior.

"He gave the cold shoulder, huh?" she mused, her voice nonchalant.

A moment of silence passed before a question arose, "But, by the way, where's Calliope-chan?"

Koko responded, "Ah, she's hanging out with Haru-kun. She said she's going to buy sweet foods for us."


Calliope PoV:

"Hm..." said Haru, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Is it really okay to buy sticky candy for them?"

I nodded and responded, "Well, they said they wanted something sweet to munch on while watching the performance." I shifted the box of sticky candy in my arms, feeling its weight.

We made our way backstage, admiring the set of the play, and soon caught sight of Mikan and the others.


I began running towards them, but stumbled and dropped the box of sticky candy. Suddenly, the fans started blowing, casting the sticky balls into the air. They landed on various individuals, causing them to get stuck.

We all grappled with the sticky situation, desperately trying to untangle ourselves. I apologized profusely, feeling responsible for the chaos.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for causing you all this trouble!"

I managed to catch a glimpse of Ruka and Mikan, both stuck together.

Except for haru

"This isn't good," Narumi sighed, his tone serious. "It seems yuri is stuck too."

Yuri, who was meant to play the prince, was caught in the sticky mess, stuck fast to Anna and Nonoko.

"These things won't come off," Yuri stated, a resigned expression on her face.

Anna and Nonoko smiled blissfully, "Please stay by our sides like this forever!" They pleaded.

"I'm really sorry!" I exclaimed, guilt gnawing at me.

"Sensei scanned the scene with a worried expression. "It seems other actors have been hit as well," he remarked, concern evident in his voice.

"Is there no way to get them unstuck?" he asked, a hint of desperation in his tone.

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