Kim Sunoo-Blessed

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"Why do you look like that?"

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"Why do you look like that?"

"Like what?" I asked, turning to my best friend.

Jungwon rolled his eyes and gestured his hands indicating my face. "Like...that.  You have this goofy grin on your face. Did I miss something? Is there something you aren't telling me? Who is he?!" Jungwon gritted his teeth as he jokingly whispered the last question.

I laughed and hugged my friend. "There's no he" I giggled as I gestured out into the room. "I'm just happy." In fact, I had been thinking that a he is really the only thing I don't have. I recognize that I'm very lucky.

Jungwon and I looked out at the scene in front of us. Most of our closest friends were there laughing and drinking and just having a good time. We had just finished up the first quarter of the semester and had a few days off before classes started back next week.

My apartment was basically where all the parties were, and tonight's was no exception. I was really lucky that my dad had his own company that did really well. I didn't have to worry about things like rent or bills.

Most kids in college work because they have to. I work because I want to. Right now I'm doing an internship at an independent record label alongside another one of my closest friends. We're writing a song together for a new artist.

"Sunoo!" Beomgyu called from the couch where he softly strummed his guitar, "lyrics are finished, yeah? I just need to know so I know if it's safe to breathe".

Beomgyu is a music production major and this internship is a grade for him. For me, it's just fun.  And it exposed me to the right people as a singer. At least in the indie world.

I walked over and plopped down next to Beomgyu, laying my head on his shoulder as I pulled a paper out of my pocket. "Of course they're done. Who do you think I am?" I laughed as I flicked the paper over to him.

"Ok, enough with the school talk!" Kai jumped up and yelled. "Can we please just chill? Fun? Please?" Kai poured a shot for himself and Taehyun and then slid a third shot glass down the table to Beomgyu.

Beomgyu lifted up the shot and gulped it down, slamming the glass back on the table. He looked up at Kai and slid the glass back over. "This," he tapped his guitar and then nodded toward the bottle for another shot, "is fun". He winked as he accepted the glass again in one gulp.

Jungwon plopped down on the overstuffed chair and giggled. Taehyun and Kai continued to pass the glasses around.

Taehyun rolled his eyes at me "Shit, Sunoo. Jungwon's right. You're smile is goofier than usual and that's saying something".

He and Jungwon turned to one another and laughed.

I shrugged. There REALLY wasn't anything special happening. It was just one of those days were I looked around and felt thankful. Oh, and that one thing...

"Well, the label asked me to set up an official audition today," I said, looking up sheepishly at me friends.

I was greeted with a lot of cheers and excitement and different versions of "I knew it!". I had actually wanted to tell everyone at once, but Jake couldn't be here and Ni-ki had dance practice.

It's hard to get a group of friends that large in one place at one time.

"This calls for a special celebration," Kai jumped up, wobbled slightly, and headed toward the kitchen. He came back with a stack of plastic cups and a bottle of champagne.

I keep champagne in my refrigerator for 2 reasons.

1. Sometimes a guy just wants to drink something sparkly, sit in the bubble bath, and feel pretty.

2. In case there's something to celebrate.

I keep a lot of champagne because Kai is really good at finding things to celebrate. Last month we popped two bottles because Kai's electric bill was lower than expected.

"A TOAST!" Kai yelled, holding up his glass...


We all laughed and drank, sitting down and settling in a bit.

"So how was everyone's week?" Jungwon asked.

"Mine was great!" Kai started, "Free champagne" he grinned.

"Not a lot here. Just more of the same." Taehyun said and Beomgyu grunted in agreement, still softly picking out the chords he wanted for his chorus.

"I saw Jay today," Jungwon smiled so big, then frowned, "but he didn't see me. If he did then he didn't notice me"

"Just get Beomgyu or Ni-Ki to introduce you," I said. I didn't realize that Ni-Ki had just walked in.

"Yeah, Wonnie, I've told you I'm happy to," he grabbed a cup and champagne and poured it as he sat down. He then held his cup up to the rest of the room. "A toast to HueningKai's goldfish...Or whatever he found to toast about".

Kai busted out in his dolphin laugh. "Ok, no, we toasted to Sunoo getting an audition. But, now that you mention it, I should get a goldfish. Lots of celebratory milestones with a goldfish" he laughed again.

"They die fast," Taehyun deadpanned.

"That's so sad," Kai fake-cried as he looked at his best friend. Then he poured some champagne in his cup and held it up to the room. "A toast to the death of my goldfish. Gone but not forgotten"

"...or remembered..." Taehyun added, "because it didn't exist."

Jungwon started talking again while Ni-Ki glanced over and raised his cup to me with a wink. Ahhh...every now and then he still makes my heart flutter. Even though we broke up forever ago and are MUCH better as friends.

" I was saying, that's not how it works. He's supposed to just see me one day and hear angels sing and the clouds open up and then we lock eyes across the room and..."

Taehyun made fake vomiting noises.  "Gross. Who would watch that cringey K-Drama?"

Jungwon looked hurt but giggled and shrugged. "I don't know, I just want it to be magical".

"Cool, so then use the MAGIC of having one of your best friends who's on the dance team with Jay introduce you" Taehyun sassed, rolling his eyes...again.

He's always been practical. Savage...but practical.

We sat around talking, laughing, and drinking the rest of the night until one by one everyone got comfortable and nodded off to sleep.

Ni-Ki was already in my bed passed out when I was finally able to lay down.

We were together a long time, and even though we've been broken up for longer than we were dating to begin with, sleeping in the same bed when we're together just didn't change.

I got in bed, careful not to disturb him, but I laughed when he rolled over anyway and wrapped his long legs around me, squeezing me tight.

"If you were Jake, I'd call you a koala," I laughed.

"Sleep well, Sunshine". I felt his smile in the dark.

"You too." I whispered, smiling as well. I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep grateful breath as I listened to the calm and quiet.

I am so thankful. I am blessed.

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