A Crush and a Cloud

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I have absolutely no idea who has hijacked my brain and has taken control of the steering

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I have absolutely no idea who has hijacked my brain and has taken control of the steering. Nothing about how this evening is going is "me" at all.

I don't talk about my life. I don't 'hang out', I don't joke and I DEFINTELY don't flirt. But here I am, doing all of these things. Is it Sunoo? Is it alcohol? This is just all so out of character, and I feel a little lost. I hope my brain knows what it's doing.

"Sunghoon?" Sunoo looked confused, I guess he had actually said my name a couple of times and I zoned out.

"Oh! Sorry! Yeah?"

"I was just telling you that everything you need is in the bathroom. There are extra pajamas of every size basically in the bathroom closet, along with extra toothbrushes and all the skincare products you could want." He looked a little embarrassed when he giggled, "I have people over a lot and it's just easier to keep it all here than it is to actually pack. Jungwon has his own closet".

A lightbulb went off. "Jungwon? Yang Jungwon?" I asked.

Sunoo looked at me curiously. "Y-yes?" he answered cautiously, "What about him? He's my very best friend in the whole entire world."

He looked adorable. His whole face changed and looked very serious. I guess he thought I had something bad to say about him and he would need to beat me up to protect Jungwon's honor.

"Oh, nothing big. I just heard his name for the first time yesterday. Jay mentioned him".

Sunoo eyes widened. "JAY!?!?! Like, from the dance team?"

"Yeah?" now I was looking curiously.

"Hurry, go get dressed and all of that, we'll talk about it in bed!" He ran off to his bedroom.

I, on the other hand, stood in shock. WE will talk about it in BED?! Wait - what??

I went to the bathroom and changed and did all the going-to-bed things. I looked at my watch. After midnight. I still don't feel terribly sober but at least I'm not spinning.

I cautiously walked down the hall toward the room I assumed was Sunoo's - the door was cracked. It looked as though there was at least one other bedroom, and then a room with a desk and computer in it from what I could see at this angle. I knocked on Sunoo's door. He waved me in. He was hopping up and down on the bed.

"I wanna know what Jay said, I wanna know what Jay said!!" he clapped, eye smile cute and excited. He sat down and patted the bed for me to sit next tom him.

"Where do you want me to put my clothes? " I asked, "In the other bedroom, or I can bring them out to the living room with me if I'm sleeping on the couch. Anything is fine". Because he doesn't mean for me to actually sleep in here, right?!?

Sunoo stopped bouncing and looked at me confused. "Umm...you can put them wherever, but aren't you sleeping in here?"

Ok, so he does mean that.

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