A Commitment

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(I hope you love this chapter

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(I hope you love this chapter. It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!!)

By the time I got to Sunoo, it was already late.  I had planned to call him or text him earlier, but by the time I had a chance to he had messaged me that he was going to sleep.

I called Beomgyu who said that he was still fast asleep, and that Jungwon and Soobin had only just left.  I told him I was coming over.

After being on the phone for a very long time, I had told several people and companies that I would have to get in touch with them later - that I had a lot to think about.  But all I really thought about was one thing.

The offer at Walker Studios.

I know that the other offers may ultimately make more money, but watching my mom teach was where a love of dance started for me. I knew I wouldn't stay at the job forever, but I couldn't find a single con on the pros and cons list. 

Even though our coaches and directors said to wait and research, make sure it's the best fit, I already knew what I wanted.  I didn't have to research - I knew all about Walker Studios.

Taking the job would mean I could make money, Sunoo and I could have a place to stay, and then when it was time to move on to whatever our future held, so be it.

I had walked around for what felt like hours when I made my decision. There was no point in waiting when I knew what I wanted to do. 

I called Kimberley back and let her know that I'd made my decision. She was thrilled. She said I could move in as soon as I wanted and start at any time.

I told her about Sunoo and his situation, and she said it was perfectly fine for him to come as well. 

It was all perfect.

Beomgyu had let me in as though he'd been standing at the door, expecting me.

"Where've you been all day?" he asked, "I mean, Sunoo was cool and all, but I was starting to worry. He went to the doctor, and they didn't find anything wrong. Just gave him some medicine. THEN he got his wallet stolen. His bank account's been wiped out. It's been a hell of a day."

"What?  Is he okay?"

"I think he's just exhausted. Physically AND mentally. At least he has you to help with the emotionally," he winked, "go on back, he's still in my room asleep.

I was excited to share my news, but I didn't want to tell Beomgyu before I'd even had the chance to talk to Sunoo.

I pulled back the covers and got in the bed next to him, pulling him close to me. He barely stirred.  I laid in the bed and listened to his soft breaths. He was warm and he smelled amazing. I closed my eyes and breathed him in.  I don't know when I fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was dark. I felt Sunoo's arms wrapped around me and knew that he was awake.

"Hey beautiful," I whispered.

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