A Night Out

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I had been resting for two weeks now

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I had been resting for two weeks now.  The school took into light the letter from my doctor and opted against kicking me out, which was a good thing.  Because after the first week, I started to feel a little more like myself:

Sunghoon had just come home from classes and come into the bedroom.  He had a dance class to teach in about an hour and he felt bad about it.  He didn't realize how much he wasn't home until I WAS home, and then he already had all these commitments.

"How are we doing, Sunshine?" he asked as he came into the bedroom, crawled into bed next to me, and kissed me on the forehead.  I scooted down and laid my head against his chest.

"I feel okay. Better, I think.  I really did need the rest.  The light still bothers me a bit - bright light - so I'm gonna need to find a way to ease back into all that living business," I laughed, "but I'm getting there."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes.  I had been watching a drama on TV, but now that Sunghoon was here I was in a daze - staring at nothing. But there had been something I'd been wanting to tell him and so I did.



"I want to sing again." I said.

I couldn't see his face, but I could FEEL his smile. "That's amazing, Sunoo!  As soon as you've had enough rest we'll get you back into class!"

"But that's not all" I said, and he lifted me up to see my face.

"That's not all?"

I shook my head, "No. I also want to learn to dance.  Will you teach me? I'm not going to be good at first but... I do love dance and it's something I'm not terrible at - just not good enough in to major".

He smiled and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. "Of course I'll teach you!" He gave a dramatic bow, "It will be my honor."  He got up out of bed and added, "but for now, I have to teach a group of 11-year-olds. So rest up and I'll bring you dinner when I get back".


Once I got back into classes, everything was a giant blur.  There wasn't much of the semester left, but the rest of the academic year went by in a whirlwind of recordings and assignments and even dance lessons.  I ended up having to stay out longer than one week, but I felt much better once I got back up and around. When I did have headaches, they were nowhere near as severe and they weren't very frequent. I had been worried about loud noise and that didn't bother me at all. Just exceptionally bright light was the biggest thing.

It was the last week of school, and Sunghoon and I were sitting out in the commons having our lunch, just the same as we were when we first got together. One by one, our group started sitting down around us.

"Well, here we are. Still," Taehyun said as he sat down next to me, "Have you finished all of your finals?" he asked me.

"Yeah, I'm done," I said, "there are some things that I'm going to have to make up going into senior year, but overall I've done enough to pass the courses.  I'll just have a lot of front-end recordings to make."

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