A Situation

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"Hold on, I'm extremely confused," Jungwon said

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"Hold on, I'm extremely confused," Jungwon said. He brought a bottle of water to me from the kitchen. I had called him right away after hearing from my dad and he and Jay met Sunghoon and I at my apartment. "And side note- you've GOT to get these headaches checked out".

I nodded at my best friend. Jay had brought some medicine for my headache, and it was starting to significantly subside. Thankfully.

"Selfishly, I'm happy you called me first instead of Beomgyu. I was starting to feel jealous," Jungwon smiled over at me. I smiled back and giggled at him.

"Beomgyu hasn't been as occupied," I winked. Jungwon just smiled brightly but a nervous Jay started to fidget in his chair.

Just then there was a knock at the door. We looked up to see Heeseung mid-knock as Jake was opening the door and walking in.

"Sunoo, I feel like we're having a lot of weird meetings in your apartment lately," Jake said as he sat down on the couch.

"Well. Not for long," I said, tearing up. Sunghoon sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's gonna be okay, we'll figure it out. I promise." he told me, and I nodded.

My dad had called and explained to me that he had taken a significant loss in his business. We were still able to stay relatively afloat, and it was nothing big to worry about, but that they needed to sell some things to ensure that a large number of employees didn't have to lose their jobs. He had to sell my apartment as soon as possible.

There was nowhere else for him to put me. "I'm really sorry, son," my dad said, "but you have to move out. And you have to figure the next step out for yourself. You're an adult and I really have to focus on all of these employees whose lives I have to figure out."

It wasn't about the money; I think I'll be okay with the money I've had in savings. My mom insisted that I start saving when I was just tiny, always saying "you never know." I was glad I had done that, now, but I really couldn't afford to blow a huge chunk of it on a new place to live. Not now, anyway. There was plenty there, but who knows what would happen next with the business - my dad may even need it if things didn't get better.

I was sad to think about leaving my apartment. I moved in a month before my freshman year, and so many amazing memories were here. The first time Jungwon and I hung out, parties with all of our friends, writing songs with Beomgyu, toasting with Kai. Even saying "I love you" for the first time ever in my life. All gone.

I wiped my tears away and checked myself a bit. Sunghoon lived in a basement. It was stupid of me to be so upset about this. I was just taken off guard and I needed to accept it. I've got to be out as soon as possible.

"So, what now?" Jungwon asked.

I shrugged, "I mean, I guess the first thing is I need to find a new place to live. And I'm not sure what to do with all of this stuff." I looked around. "Do I seem like I'm being a diva? I don't mean to be. I'm just in shock."

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