A Magical Introduction

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I was really trying not to be obvious, but I was looking for Park Sunghoon around every corner

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I was really trying not to be obvious, but I was looking for Park Sunghoon around every corner.

The weather was nice again, so most students were eating outside. I assumed my friends would be there, so I went out to the outside table we usually use. So far it was only Taehyun.

"Good afternoon, Peach, Fox, Sunshine - whichever affectionate nickname you prefer these days," he winked as I sat down across from him.

"Good afternoon, yourself, little squirrel," I winked back.

"So," he launched right in, "Park Sunghoon: Story".

My heart started to race. I hadn't heard his name out loud yet today. I felt my face flush.

"Oh. Shit!" Taehyun exclaimed, then lowered to a whisper when he saw others looking, "There really is a story!!! You like him, don't you?"

I nodded. There wasn't any sense in lying about it. I like him. He's currently all I can think about until -

"Hey guys!" Ni-Ki's long legs stretched across the bench one by one until he was sitting next to me. He threw an arm around me and leaned in. "What are we talking about?"

Taehyun answered before I could even think, "SunSun".

"Who?" Ni-Ki looked confused, and Taehyun laughed.

"Get used to it, Nishimura. It just might stick," Taehyun smirked.   I'm sure Ni-Ki had a lot more to ask but just then I saw Beomgyu and Jungwon coming up. I hadn't yet told Jungwon - or anyone - what Jay said.

"How was studying?" Jungwon asked, "As bad as we'd thought?"

"Did he talk at all?" Beomgyu asked.

Now I found MYSELF smirking. I didn't know why, but now that most everyone was right here, I didn't want to share about last night. I just wanted to be happy with it being mine.

"It went really well," I simply smiled and nodded once I composed myself.

As I looked up, I saw Sunghoon walking across the commons. Jungwon followed my line of sight and realized what I was looking at.

"Wow," Jungwon said, then leaned into my ear and whispered," that outfit is from the guest closet. Did he?"

I nodded.

"Did you - " Jungwon began, but as I saw Sunghoon sit down with his friends, a plan formed quickly.

"I don't know what you're implying, Yang Jungwon, but come with me. We have to make something magical".

"He's implying that you and Sunghoon -"


He smiled and shrugged: "just trying to help".

I quickly looked Jungwon over and he looked adorable as usual. I gave him a sweet smile. "Just stay calm, don't argue, and follow me".

Blessed-Cursed: A SunSun StoryWhere stories live. Discover now