An Opportunity

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The days leading up to the competition were

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The days leading up to the competition were...strange. It was the most "off" our unit has ever been in our entire college career-at least, that's what the performance director said.

"I really need to know what's going on, guys," he began as practice started. It was the day that Sunoo was "officially" moving to Ni-Ki's and I hated it. I knew that Sunoo and I were good, but I hated that I didn't get to be the one to take care of him. And the ex-boyfriend did instead.

Who, I'm pretty sure, would like to be the current boyfriend.

I looked around and realized he wasn't there. It seemed as though the director saw it at the same time: "Where the hell is Nishimura?!?!?!"

"He said he's on his way, and he'll be a little late," Beomgyu held up his phone, indicating a text had been received. "He didn't say why."

"Tell him he needs to be here in 5 minutes, or I'm rearranging things."

Beomgyu nodded and typed in the text. A second later, "Well, he read it, anyway".

I thought our directors head was going to explode. His face turned bright red and he began pacing around the room. "Do you guys even realize how big this is? Do you even realize that it's almost here?!" We nodded, solemnly. Most of us were stretching except Beomgyu, who sat legs crossed on the floor listening intently.

When we were finally able to start actual rehearsal, Ni-Ki still wasn't there, and I was trying very hard to avoid distraction. We went through our opening routine, being picked apart by the directors to make sure that every single move was in sync. Even the tiniest of motions. I watched our reflections in the mirror. Everyone looked so intense - even Beomgyu, who has been pretty distant even if he's been committed.

I have no idea how much time passed before Ni-Ki sauntered through the door. He walked in as though nothing mattered, it wasn't a big deal, and - as the door was behind us as we faced the mirror, made a very distinct smirk in my direction.

I wanted to tear his head off. But I wanted our unit to succeed even more. I was not going to let him destroy everything I've worked for. Not my scholarship, not my relationship, and not my shot at being seen by a scout. I could not let Nishimura Riki get to me.

"Exactly who do you think you are?!" the director began, each word getting louder and louder. Yeonjun walked over and turned off the music, signaling to the rest of us to grab some water and rest a moment.

"What do you mean? I'm not that late..." Ni-Ki walked past him with a complete lack of respect, went over to his usual spot, and began stretching. "I'll catch up anyway, I always do - what did I miss?"

"You missed your solo." The director looked at him, eyes cold, jaw clenched.

"Well, why do I have to even practice that right now? That seems like a waste of everyone else's time."

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