A Second Chance

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I woke up this morning surprisingly upbeat

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I woke up this morning surprisingly upbeat.

I left the library last night frustrated and disappointed that Sunoo didn't let me talk and wouldn't hear what I had to say. Normally, I would have walked home sad, beating myself over all the ways I handled everything wrong.

Last night, I didn't feel that way at all. Even though I had been upset all day, seeing Sunoo just for a little bit at the library made me feel like a whole new person. It felt like this wasn't a dead end - it was just a wrong turn. Like I just needed to get around the corner and start heading the right way again.

So, this morning when I woke up, I felt excited about the day ahead. Maybe everything with Sunoo was just too much, too fast. I know how I feel, that didn't change. But maybe my expectations were a little high because everything just seemed so perfect. Life isn't perfect, right? Mine never has been.

"You are in a surprisingly good mood," Heeseung observed as I caught up with him walking toward class, "I'm guessing last night went well?"

"Actually, no," I laughed, "He wouldn't listen to me at all. And he was really upset, like I really hurt his feelings. He just sort of ran off."

Heeseung turned to face me, looking confused, "umm...then why are you smiling?" he asked, "why aren't you, like, all moody and depressed and quiet?"

I shrugged, "I don't know," I smirked, "I just feel like everything's going to be okay. I was blessed with Sunoo and it's going to work out. I just need a chance to win him over."

Heeseung put the back of his hand against my forehead as though he was checking for a fever. "Are you sure you're okay, Hoon?"

"Why? Because I'm thinking positively?"

"Well...yeah, exactly." Heeseung answered with genuine concern on his face.

"I'm totally good, I promise. I'm gonna run, I'll be late for class." I jogged down the hall leaving my best friend standing in the middle of the hallway confused.

My first class of the day was math. I know for absolute fact that I've never run to math class before. Yet here I was. One of the first in the classroom ready to go. I wanted to see if any of the things that Sunoo had explained the night before were sinking in. He's really great at breaking it down into ways that I can understand it. I didn't get all of the answers right that we reviewed today, but it was a very strong improvement from NONE, and I was excited to tell Sunoo later that night.

Honestly, the day couldn't move quickly enough. Just finish the day and get to Sunoo.

I skipped lunch to go to the dance studio and practice. I only had one more class and it was in the late afternoon, so I had time to kill. I know that not going to lunch means I'm missing one of my chances to see Sunoo, but it also means I have one less chance of screwing it up. I'm not going to try and make him listen. The spark is already there, so I just have to wait for it to light up.

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