A Solution

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"It's a good idea, Hoon!  Seriously! You can thank me later"

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"It's a good idea, Hoon!  Seriously! You can thank me later". Heeseung laughed as he patted me on the back. "Plus, I would have called you ahead of time buuuut..."

"...but you drunk dialed me and caused me to drop my phone as I walked home from your party in the pouring rain," I glared at my friend.

"I would have taken you home," Heeseung shrugged, "But you wanted to leave 15 minutes after you arrived. Anyway. I'll fix your phone. My point is: I'm a genius. You're welcome".

Jay and Yeonjun, two other guys from our dance unit, sat down at the table with their lunches.

"What's a good idea?" Jay asked as he took a gulp from his drink.

"Getting Sunghoon a math tutor". Heeseung smiled proudly. He had gone to the head of the math department and asked her to set it up. I had just found out to meet him at the library tomorrow afternoon. I didn't ask Heeseung not to tell the other guys about the probation letter, so he obviously did.

"Oh, yeah that really is a good idea," Yeonjun nodded. "With us hosting the regional dance competition this year?  We've practiced way too hard to lose you". He smiled at me reassuringly.

"Right...but that's not even the best part," Heeseung smirked, "and I didn't even PLAN for the best part".

I rolled my eyes but I know I was turning red. Heeseung had been teasing me about this since he heard. And even though only a couple of the guys were with us, it still felt like I had everyone's attention, and I hate that. Unless I'm dancing.

"So then what's the best part?" Yeonjun asked.

"His tutor."  Heeseung gave them a wide, bright smile.

Jay scoffed, "it's not that grammar police Aussie you've been bringing everywhere, is it?" 

Heeseung laughed and shook his head "A. No. And B. I'm personally offended. And you're overly sensitive with your American English"

"Don't tell me cookies are biscuits," Jay grumbled. "A biscuit has gravy on it. Calling a cookie a biscuit is just...it's just wrong."

Yeonjun agreed with a nod, looking up at Heeseung with a pout. "He says "to-mah-to, Hee". He actually looked genuinely hurt.

Heeseung laughed but moved on. "Anyway. Reminder that A. was 'no'. And it's better. I mean, for Hoon - not for me. Jake is best for me".

"Woah, Hoonie you like someone???" Yeonjun looked over at me in shock. I shook my head quickly but I could feel the red climb up my face and my ears getting hot.

"So who is it?" This time Yeonjun directed his question to Heeseung.

Heeseung leaned to the middle of the table as though he was giving out top secret information. "The tutor," he looked around and then whispered, "is Kim Sunoo".

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