A Mystery

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"Hey! How was class this morning?" Jungwon asked as I sat down next to him at the picnic table in the commons

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"Hey! How was class this morning?" Jungwon asked as I sat down next to him at the picnic table in the commons. Taehyun and Kai were sitting at the next table with Soobin, our class president.

"Interesting, actually..." I nodded toward our friends, "what are they up to?"

Soobin is rarely seen in the wild. He's on every committee and in every extracurricular activity you can think of. But he's so busy I almost never see him just hanging out with other students.

"Oh, I guess this year our school is hosting the regional dance competition. I guess it rotates? Anyway, they're helping out with getting everything set up".

I raised an eyebrow. "You guess?" I know full well that Wonnie knows exactly what's happening with the dance team schedule at all times.

"Whatever," Jungwon grumbled, "but either way, Soobin asked them as part of some project for credit? I don't know. So they're going to help with stage set up and all that".

I nodded as I started to take a bite, first adding "speaking of which, I was just asked to tutor someone from the dance team. In math." I continued with my big bite and looked up at Jungwon. I knew what he was thinking.

"It's probably not Jay," I giggled, and Jungwon pouted.

"How do YOU know?" he asked.

"Well, for one, Jay has great grades. I know you already know that. It was weird though," I chewed thoughtfully, "it's like a mystery. She just told me to meet him in the library after classes tomorrow".

"Why didn't she say who you were meeting?!" Jungwon asked and I shrugged.

"No idea. She was running out the door. Maybe she forgot?"

"Maybe..." Jungwon looked thoughtful. I'm sure he was still hoping it was Jay.

Just then Beomgyu and Jake sat down next to us. It was the first time we'd seen Jake since before the quarter break.

"Hey guys!" He greeted us with a big smile. "Miss me?"

We all smiled back "of course we did!" I said "we had a lot of fun the other night. I wish you could have been there!"

Jake opened his mouth just as Beomgyu began "Actually, I don't think Jake-"

"-I hate that I couldn't make it!" Jake spoke loudly over our friend as he elbowed Beomgyu who gave an exaggerated "AHHHHH!" before laughing hysterically.

"What are we missing?" Jungwon asked.

"Nothing, Gyu is just...buffering," Jake laughed. "So how was your long weekend, guys?"

"It was GREAT!" I smiled, "we all hung out. The usual stuff. Nothing big but we had fun".

"And Ni-Ki slept in Sunoo's bed...again," Taehyun added as he sat down next to us. Kai was right behind him and I saw Soobin's blue hair as he walked off, towering above most of the students.

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