A Win and A Loss

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I did not, under any circumstances, want to get out of bed

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I did not, under any circumstances, want to get out of bed.

I woke up when the bright sunlight hit my eyes, looking around in surprise again and realizing that here I was again, waking up in Kim Sunoo's bed.

Except this time, Kim Sunoo came with it.

A beautiful boy with baby pink hair was sleeping soundly, breathing deeply, the sun shining on his face. Everything about him was perfect. His skin, his eyelashes, his eyes - he looked like a little fox curled up.

Our fingers were linked and he had them up to his cheek. There was no way I was moving. No way I was waking him up. No way I was letting him go.

I glanced over him to look at the clock on the bedside table. 9:45. If I woke him up, I knew he would try and rush to his class. I decided to wait a little bit longer. To be honest, I was afraid that if I woke him up right now, nothing that happened last night would be real.

I snuggled back into him and into the soft bed and tried to fall back asleep. It had only been a couple of minutes when I heard the phone on the charger start to vibrate, buzzing against the bedside table. Someone was calling. It went on and on, but Sunoo didn't budge. Finally, it quieted.

...then started up again.

A drowsy Sunoo opened up his eyes. By then the phone had stopped making noise. Our eyes met, and he smiled sweetly at me.

"It wasn't a dream," he smiled.

"I hope not," I smiled back, "because last night you said you loved me, and I kind of assumed that meant you were my boyfriend."

Sunoo smiled as though he was embarrassed and said "Absolutely, Park Sunghoon. I am absolutely in love with you, and I am absolutely your boyfriend. Now - "

He was cut off as the phone vibrated again and again. Finally, he rolled his eyes and turned around to reach for it. He brought it back and dropped the phone between us on the bed. "UGGGHHH" he said, closing his eyes.

I looked down at the screen. Ni-Ki. My cloud.

"We have the same 10:00 and - like I said - I never skip. I should have texted him last night".

I nodded but was thinking that the fact it didn't even occur to him to text his ex-boyfriend to let him know he wasn't going to be in class was a good thing.

Sunoo typed a text message to Ni-Ki and then tossed his phone on the floor next to the bed. A reply beep came in, then almost immediately it started ringing again.

To my relief, Sunoo wasn't even interested. He scooted closer to me and nuzzled his face into my neck, taking my arm and wrapping it around him. He wrapped his arm around me so that we were hugging each other tightly and close.

"Can we skip life altogether today?" he asked.

"As much as I would absolutely love to just lay in bed with you all day, there are three issues with it. 1. I have dance practice and 2. you have your internship today."

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