A Singer

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What's wrong?" Jungwon asked as we walked back toward the dorms, "You seem

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What's wrong?" Jungwon asked as we walked back toward the dorms, "You seem ...uncomfortable.  Aren't you excited?"

"Of course I'm excited!! I looked at him and smiled, "My head just hurts a little. It had been getting a lot better but I guess all the loud cheering and heat and excitement stirred it back up."

"Why aren't you getting it checked out?" Jungwon asked.

"I don't know. It seems affected by noise. That just sounds like a migraine.  I should probably just lay in the dark for a while."

Jungwon shrugged, "Suit yourself, I'm heading back to the dorm. I have a paper to work on and I may as well start working on it now".

I looked at him with confusion, "You're not waiting for Jay? I figured you two would have plans."

Jungwon let out a deep sigh. "We kinda have "loose" plans. Jay always wants to "maybe" our plans. If we're already together we just stay together. Like 'oh, it's late let's get dinner'.  But he doesn't seem to be that interested unless he's looking right at me."

"That's odd," I said, looking confused, "I'll ask Sunghoon about it. Maybe he's figuring things out."

Jungwon nodded. He gave me a hug as I approached Taehyun's dorm.  "Get some water and some rest," he told me, "and I'll go write a paper on the joys of music management."

"I will never get over that major. You can SING, Wonnie, why don't you switch to voice? MAJOR instead of MINOR. What even IS that??"

"Ugh, we've been over this. With music production and management if I want to sing I can manage myself. Or manage YOU!  It's an interesting subject. At least I'm not in music BUSINESS!"

I nodded, "True. Jake is insane," We both laughed. I waved goodbye and headed into the nice, cool dorm room to lay down. 

I don't know how long I slept or how many times my phone rang before I finally answered it. All it took was closing my eyes to knock me out.

"What's up, Beomgyu?"

"Where are you??" he asked, desperation in is voice.

"Taehyun's room, I came in here to -"

"Sunghoon and I are on the way over right now. Don't leave."

"Why would I lea -" he had hung up.

I sat up from the bed and rubbed my eyes. It was dark, cool, and comfortable, but my headache wasn't gone. In fact, it felt like it was gradually getting worse.

Beomgyu burst into the room, Sunghoon close behind him. Sunghoon ran to me and wrapped his arms around me. I looked him confused. This was his big day! Why did he look so upset?

I showed the confused look to Beomgyu and saw, to my shock, there were big tears in his eyes, threatening to spill.

"Sunoo," he breathed, trying to slow down and regain a sense of calm, "Has anyone from the label called you?"

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