A Dinner

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His apartment?!?!

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His apartment?!?!

"Your apartment?" I asked with less panic than I was feeling inside.  At least, I hope it sounded that way.

Sunoo looked up at me and smiled, "Of course!  That way we can get something to eat and hang out, and maybe you'll feel a little more comfortable working with me".

I really didn't know what to say, so I just nodded.  I looked down at our hands.  Sunoo had grabbed mine when he started to pull me down the street and didn't let go. Now he had linked his fingers into mine, and my heart was pounding. 

I'm not telling Heeseung any of this.

Sunoo's apartment really wasn't very far away at all. He unlocked the door and I followed him in, jaw dropping as I looked around.

The place was huge.  The living room looked like it could seat a lot of people, but also looked cozy at the same time.  Two overstuffed chairs and two couches were in a circle around a large round table.  There were big, fluffy pillows on the couch and some giant floor pillows scattered closer to the table.  A huge TV was attached to the wall with really nice speakers and a stereo system built in around it.

"You live alone?" I found myself asking.

"I do!", he answered.  It sounded like he was a mile away. I hadn't even noticed him leave the room; I was too mesmerized by my surroundings.

Sunoo leaned his head out of the kitchen, "food is on the way. I didn't know what you liked so I ordered a bunch of stuff. You want something to drink?"

"Uhhhh...sure?" This was a lot to take in.  I never hang out one-on-one with anyone and now here I was in this luxury apartment eating dinner with...well, let's face it, with my crush. Sort of. Kind of.

"Perfect! What would you like?  Of course, I have water and tea and cola.  But I also have beer, wine, soju....oh," he popped his head back out to look at me and rolled his eyes as he giggled, "I also have champagne. An unnecessary amount of champagne. It's a long story".

"Oh. Umm... I guess I'll have ... water?" I answered.

Sunoo popped back into his kitchen and giggled.  "Water it is!"

I found myself not knowing what to do. Should I sit?  I kinda can't breathe.  And my HEAD.  It was pounding and it was still distracting me. I wanted to ask him for medicine but I had already said more words than I was comfortable with.

"Please, sit down with me," Sunoo instructed as he walked back into his living room carrying a tray. A tray??  He put the tray down on the center table. There were two tall glasses of ice water and a bottle of soju with two shot glasses on the tray. "You don't have to drink if you don't want to," Sunoo began, "but it's been a weird couple of days and I have a killer headache.  Not that alcohol helps too much with a headache," he giggled, "but it does help me wind down a bit. So, I'm going to have some and you're more than welcome to join me".

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